Exam pt2

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The three students made it to the exam site with somewhat of a plan in mind, This, however, would result in luck, As the three students were all close combat fighters and they were against Hound Dog, One of the best close combat fighters at UA with his wild beast-like fighting style made it near impossible for them to really win a fight even if Hound Dog would be holding back.

But that wasn't even all he had, Because of his quirk, he has an increased sense of smell and hearing making losing him 10 times harder than it would be to lose a normal person, but again Hound dog had a different skill. The skill Gunhead warned Ochaco about during her internship. Hound dog was great at getting within the head of his opponent. His time as a school counselor and his studies as a therapist helped him.

'' Exam Two Hound dog versus Ochaco Uraraka, Yui Kodai, and Yosetsu Awase starts now,'' Nezu said thru the intercom making the match begin making everyone move. Hound dog started off running straight for the three of them right down the middle of the road, while the three students sprinted toward the right side right into a building for cover.

As they entered the building their first part of the plan started.'' Here Kodai, this should work perfectly.'' Ochaco said as she grabbed a barrel and brought it toward Yui and Awase who were waiting at the door.  Yui nodded and grabbed the barrel. She then made it twice the size it use to be no bigger than the door they came in thru. '' Here Awase.'' The boy nodded before welding the barrel against the wall making entering too hard for Hound Dog forcing him to find a different way in which would give the students more time to run away while forcing either forcing Hound dog to find a new way toward that spot to follow the scent Or try and find them without their scent.

They kept doing this every so often as to hopefully buy enough time while maintaining distance with Hound dog. That was until they came to the end and saw Hound dog waiting for them standing between them and the gate.'' I have been waiting.'' Hound dog smirked at the slightly winded students, They had been going for a sprint as to hopefully outpace Hound dog, but it worked to their disadvantage in the end.

'' I have a plan,'' Awase said his face slightly mixed not sure if this plan would really work. He whispered it to them making Hound dog jump forward, His claw right on Awase's face. Yui and Ochaco jumped sideways creating distance between them and Awase and Hound dog.'' RUN NOW.'' Awase yelled as he welded Hound dog's hand to his face, Awase also welded both his hands to Hound dog's chest while welding his feet to his shoes and his shoes to the floor.  Making them stuck in place, while Ochaco and Kodai were able to pass thru the gate.

'' Ochaco Uraraka, Yui Kodai, and Yosetsu Awase have passed the exam, please make your way back, and can Ejiro Kirishima, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, and Rikido Sato please make their way to the exam site to face their opponent Cementos.''

Kirishima jumped up smiling toward Sato and Tetsutestu.'' Hell yeah, bro's we are going to kick ass .'' Tetsutetsu was just as excited at Kirishima with the same level as energy.'' Heck yea man, We are showing them how manly we are and beating this thing like MEN.'' Sato unsure of the weird connection between the two of them that was half sexual and half brotherly almost.'' Y-yeah.'' He said making his way toward the exam site. while half planning how they were going to do this.

Just as they reached the exam site the others made their way back. Ochaco went and hugged Izuku and Mina extremely happy she passed. '' woow I did it, did you see I did it.'' We did, Smart plan against hound dog too bad it didnt work out.'' Izuku looked past Ochaco and saw Yui standing behind her staring at him.'' Uhm can I help you?'' Izuku asked before hearing Ochaco let out a guilty laugh.'' Uhm, I kind of promised that you would be on a date with her after the exam's'' Oh okay.'' Yui got a small smile before giving a nod and walking away just as they heard Nezu give the starting signal

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