1B takes the stage.

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'' Knock Knock,'' Izuku said as he knocked on the side room. Eri and Nemuri were just busy picking out which tiara would work best with the entire outfit. It was between sparking pink. Or Cutesy gold. Both looked beyond cute on Eri, But they had the hard job deciding which would be the ending one.'' Papa, which one looks better.'' Eri asked very seriously about the situation. Izuku placed his hand on his chin in deep thought.'' Hmm, How about I tell you if both of you lovely ladies make me a promise.'' Both of course agreed.

''Let's have some fun walking around.'' B-But papa, I am already dressed and my makeup is done.'' Eri whined not wanting to sit thru the makeup process again. The brushes were itchy.'' How could I forget.'' Izuku picked two small rocks from his pockets and placed them on both their heads.'' POOF'' Izuku used the Fuku Fuku no Mi( Garb-Garb fruit) and transformed both of their outfits into just plain casual clothing.'' I was dressed perfectly fine thank you very much.'' Nemuri said Before she realized. Izuku had put both Eri and herself into a matching set of clothing.'' Oh, beautiful. let's go, We can get you a candy apple.'' Nem said with Eri giving a big smile.


'' Come on babeski, Just once.'' Gerda asked as she pulled the large hulking figure of Jordan toward the haunted house.'' You know I don't like those Jump scares. They are Bull.'' Jordan said back. While Jordan had attacked druglords, and criminal masterminds and fought entire underground crime syndicates. He was incredibly easy to jump scare. In the face of a hulking monster that could crush buildings below his pinky, BRING IT ON! In the face of one of his girlfriends jumping out from the cupboard early in the morning, No thank you. 

But Jordan did anything for his ladies. Most of the time, Hoping to fight strong enemies in the end, But sometimes it meant walking into a haunted house. Or clothing stores. So there they went. Only two steps in and the first scare happened. Out from the wall, a machine zombie jumped out at them. catching everyone by surprise.'' Welcome to the spooky Robot house of death.'' It said in a robotic voice.'' Follow the yellow line and don't step off, Or the gears will get you.'' It got out before being pulled back into the wall.

'' That fucking thing, I hate it here,'' Jordan said before walking forward again, Slowly and holding Gerda's hand the entire way. Just so she wouldn't get lost, Not because Jordan needed it, He was a manly man and those never got scared. What he of course didnt know were the nearly 100 cameras placed all over the place allowing the support course students to control each and every robot manually. Which allowed for perfect scare moments.'' Oh hahaha, this is fun, let's see what this baby can do'' Mei laughed pressing the robot that looked like a skeleton. Forcing it to pop out of the floor right in front of Jordan.


'' Oh please can I get Four of those cotton candy towers please, And twelve boxes to go, I know just the doctor that goes crazy for cotton candy'' Inko said as she stood next to a stall. Thankfully for Hisashi, he had Vegapunks incredible shrink ray to thank for the fact everyone was able to fit in one bag. Because Inko loved carnivals. Whenever she saw one she wanted to go.'' Thank you very much, Keep the change.'' Inko said as she dropped more than enough yen for what she bought. Before going right to the next stall.

'' 5 balls for all of us please,'' Inko asked as they stood at the stall. A simple game. 3 to 5 balls to throw down 10 cans stacked on each other like a triangle.'' I don't know if I should, I have an unfair advantage.'' Kaina said seeing she had been training in weapons for years.'' HAH, LOOK HERE.'' Mitsuki grabbed one of the balls and threw it. Almost as if she had been in the MLB for years.

The absolute cannon shot right down the middle and knocked down half.'' Boom baby.'' She smirked winding her arm up for the next throw. Again an absolute banger that knocked down a couple more, it left two remaining, and Mitsuki had three balls left. It took 2 for her to knock down one. Both were single cans so it was a smaller target.'' For all the marbles,'' Mitsuki winded up before screaming die as she let it lose. Only for it to zoom past the ball and hit the back.'' DAMMIT.'' She screamed as she failed. Hisashi threw the balls normally.

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