Royal Dates Toru& Camie

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Izuku smiled as he drove toward Toru's house, With a smile on his face as he remembered the call he made a little earlier.'' Hi, sorry for the early call, But am I speaking with the manager of the HappyMousePark, In Tokyo?'' You are, But who are you and how did you get this number?'' It sounded like an older man who didn't sound tired at that time.'' Oh sorry, Your speaking with Izuku Midoriya.'' The silence Izuku heard was enjoyable. He could sense the reaction on the man's face. '' What,'' Yes, Prince Izuku Midoriya, I know this might be out of the blue and stuff, But would it be entirely possible, for me to rent your park for the day?''

'' Y-you want to rent the park out.'' Yes, If possible, I am more than happy to pay double your expected daily fees. If it's possible of course.'' Uhm, I believe it might be. Due to the early start of the holidays, we don't yet have reservations, But why sir, If I may ask.'' The man heard Izuku laugh.'' Well, I am gonna go on a date and want it to be extremely magical, and that kinda is your entire parks thing right.'' The man nodded thru the phone as arrangements started to be made

As Izuku drove up toward Toru's house he was laughing as he noticed she was already sitting outside the steps of her house, A pink bear-like backpack on her back filled with supplies she would need for the day.'' Hey Toru.'' HEYYYY.'' Toru screamed alerting everyone in the neighborhood. as she ran toward the car.'' Hop in, It seems we can go right away.'' Toru basically just jumped in the car, Kissing Izuku on the cheek. 

'' WHERE ARE WE GOING, WHAT PARK, COME ON TELL ME,'' Toru yelled/begged the entire way. But Izuku just kept pushing it off, redirecting the questions or just asking her something new. But Toru quickly figured it out, by the time they saw the first ever sign, And her beautiful aura lit up like a star.'' REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY OH MY GOD ITS AWESOME I ALWAYS WANTED TO GO.'' Toru excitedly screamed. She made a sound of confusion as they drove up to the parking area,'' It's empty, How.'' Izuku chuckled.'' I did rent the entire park for us.''

the second the car stopped in a parking space, Toru was outside the car, running around it.'' come on zuku, come on, come on, come on,'' Izuku on purpose started walking alot slower. All his movements were sluggish, Just to tease Toru, who started dragging Izuku in order for him to get to the park faster.'' don't be a meanie'' Alright, sorry,'' Izuku walked at normal speed into the card area.'' Excuse me, sir, we are not allowing entry for today, Please come back some other day.'' No, I believe I am that is renting it so.'' The man opened the booth to see.'' Oh, alright then,''

Toru's mouth dropped open seeing it was a robot. In reality, it was a robot quirk and was running on autopilot.'' Izuku swiped his card. where a set amount was transferred.'' Please enjoy your stay at HappyMouse Park, The happiest place on earth.'' And in they went.'' Now then, My invisible cutie, What do you want to do first.'' Hmmm, How about we start off fun and go to the spinning cups.'' Izuku chuckled and offered his hand.'' We got the entire day.'' She nodded as they started walking thru the park. It was there that Toru was able to experience one of the pleasures of the world.

no long ass lines to enter attractions. just walk straight in.'' How fast can we go.'' I already tested that once. Pretty fast, why wanna.'' Toru nodded, her cute big round mouse ears with a red polka-dot tie nearly falling off. So Izuku placed his hand in the middle of the board you had to rotate.'' Hold on tight.'' He started using the Guru Guru no mi( spin-spin fruit) and he began spinning his hand as fast as the teacup would have allowed it. And it was fun. Toru laughed the entire time.

Toru for the entire date was having the time of her life. dragging Izuku from one thing to the next. and Izuku was just happy to spend the time with Toru.'' Should we Loggy hill.''  Yes and after that. Rocket ride. I always wanted to go in that one,'' Izuku just kissed her hand.'' Today we will do it all my princess., Haha.'' He laughed as he felt Toru blush, her aura lighting up. She wanted to run away but Izuku held her arm too tightly.'' Dont run princess, we can't enjoy our date if you do.''

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