The Princess Performance

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'' LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, I AM HERE TO INTRODUCE THE STAR OF TODAYS SHOW. THE INCREDIBLE, ADDORIBLE, SUPER CUTE PRINCESS, IT IS ERI MIDORIYA!'' Izuku announced loudly from the back. He had a microphone near him to allow him to play the music. He had a massive smile as the crowd exploded into happy cheers. Izuku could see a part of the crowd was ones he already knew. Jordan of course with his wives, Some teachers like Present Mic and Aizawa made it. Of course his mother and father, Alone with 1A. He had heard from 1B they would catch the later one. 

They wanted to join this one, But all of them were still in costume and couldn't make it. Some of the red-haired platoons also made it, and even some reporters. But just like the normal civilians that made it into the building. They cheered. The cheering only turned louder when Eri walked on stage. A sparkling pink with a white dress. a puffy skirt with white leggings and her own dance shoes. A little makeup on her cheeks to make them slightly red. 

Her hair was beautifully done in a ponytail. And lastly the tiara with pink diamonds and gold resting on her head, Just a little away from her horn. It was super cute and Eri herself loved it. She had the biggest smile ever on her face. She gave the nod to her Papa who transformed as he used the Oto Oto no Mi( Tone-Tone fruit) His body turned a little weird, But that was because he became a musical instrument. He started shaking his shoulders back and forth, Which were now Tambourines. He also began playing strings on his right upper arm which was now a guitar.

Putting two of his left fingers in his mouth, He started playing the flute which was his left arm. While using his Right leg as a DJ turn table. It was a sight to behold, A one-man show many would say, But none was as crucial as the actual Main Event. As the Music started playing, Eri started dancing. Nemuri from the side was cheering her daughter on knowing it was going to be a 10/10 performance even if she failed. 

Eri stepped forward. her hands going in a front flat on each other, Before they slowly opened, Like a blooming flower. Spreading open with her arms. Before doing with a spin. As she made the 360 turns. She started moving her feet. step right then step left. as she stepped she moved her body in that direction. She did it three times before doing a new spin only out of this spin she jumped up. Moving her arms out almost like an explosion. As she landed again, she stuck both her arms out in front. her body slightly sideways as she leaned forward. Sticking her thumbs up and moving her hands up and down with a smile. And the crowd was loving it.

Eri danced for a solid 5 minutes Before her act was over. And as she stood there, cheeks red from trying, breathing slightly harder, The crowd exploded. louder cheers were not possible. Izuku was sure that even if he used the Nagi Nagi no Mi( Calm-Calm fruit) and removed all sound, The cheers would have still been heard.'' Eri give them a bow.'' Nemuri said softly from the side, Which Eri did. The crowd just couldn't stop cheering. But slowly as Eri left the stage, taking a break as soon she would have to dance again So did the others leave.

1A had their own show to do once more, But they all knew, Eri's performance was way cuter.'' That was adorable, I would have been terrified being up there all alone, But the little princess really did a 10 out of 10.'' Kaminari said as they walked back. They really couldn't complain, They enjoyed it. Sure Eri sort of forgot what to do at the end, and had to look at Nemuri for help, But even that was adorable.'' Thank god it's not a completion, We would have lost for sure.'' Nami said with Robin laughing

But some people were just assholes. Just like one of the many reporters. Nearly all of them would give Eri a great review, Because yes, while the dancing was subpar, And not really on the beat. It was extremely entertaining and they left with a smile, And that was the entire goal. To give people a smile, Not to show off how good Eri was, Not to dazzle the world with dancing from a goddess, No it was just an entertaining performance. But This report would judge Eri just as he would judge a ballet school, Even ignoring the fact the school would have around 10 to 20 years of experience before performing, while Eri had 10 to 20 days.

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