The strong devour the weak

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Mike cracked his knuckles. For the first time and possibly 10 or so years. He had to resort to something he didnt like. Mike went thru life carefree. In his day to day, He was always able to be found outdoors playing and taking care of animals. He loved it. He hated hurting animals and in Australia, it was a heavy crime if you did so. Hunting and protecting yourself was fine. But purposely torturing or hurting animals would result in pain. And if he didnt do that. He was fucking around with the other royals.

While he never tried seeking out a fight. He was never gonna turn one down. Which often caused him to join in on massive fights Jordan or Izuku started with crime families or entire rouge kingdoms. But Mike always went hand in hand. It was how he loved doing things. Working with his own bare hands. But from time to time. Mike had to admit that some fights were just impossible to really win with just your hands. He learned that the hard way trying to fight Izuku or Jordan, even Kurao. So Mike at the request of his mother. Went and sought out aid to help him fight.

A last resort. Something that when he finds someone too durable for his own hands, He could fall back on. And right now he had found that person. Jack was tough. Mike knew he could win. But the main issue would be the two boys that were defeated. Sato had been slammed away and coming down from a hard sugar crash. Kaminari had his brain fried and was walking around giving the thumbs up. He had to take care of his teammates. So instead of spending hours beating Jack into the floor barehanded. He was pulling out his trump card

Two heavy-duty metal boxing gloves. The inside is pure leather padding with wool in between. But on top. A metal Izuku had used before in his hero sword. It was a sea prism stone. An anti-quirk metal. and it had spikes. This metal was in itself one of the hardest metals on earth because of its strange properties. Mike could punch a hole in a wall and it would not even scuff. These gloves were his trump card.'' Get ready mate. You are about to feel the Animal Kingdom's Wrath. Mike said as he put on the gloves. They fit him perfectly.

'' YOU REALLY THINK SOME METAL IS GONNA HELP YOU? MY SKIN IS THICK ENOUGH TO STOP BULLETS. THE ROCKETS FEEL LIKE A BUG BITE. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GONNA ACOMPLISH WITH KIDDY GLOVES.'' Mike crouched down Pivoting on his toes before jumping upward. He was going in a quick straight line right for Jack. His right arm pulled back as he moved. When he came closer Jack twisted himself. His right arm pushed forward as he rotated his hips. He was putting his all in this shot. 

Jack had been overly confident ever since finding Kaido. He had not lost against anyone except the ones above him. Some came close, Muscular, Cracker. They had fought and left Jack sore. But none could do him in. So he braced for impact. Which was a mistake. Because those gloves were sea prism stone. They stopped quirks. and because of the long spikes. the brute force came after. So as the spike made contact Jack turned back into a human. So the glove made contact with a human jack. who had alot less durability than his mammoth counterpart?

Jack ragdolled away, crashing into the floor and dragging it with him as he rolled. The ground eventually stopped him as his quirk started working again. But that punch had cracked his skull. He could feel the pain radiating all over his head. And Mike sensed it. He knew this fight was as good as over. It was the reason he had the gloves, But He was not going to stop. Using Shave Mike disappeared from sight, before just standing in front of Jack. one of his hands on Jack's shoulder. stopping his quirk.'' End of the road mate.'' Jack cocked his fist back. his elbow aimed down'' STING-RAY STINGER'' Jack said as with as much force as he could generate he buried his fist deep in jacks stomach. The force lifted Jack up. His rib cage was broken. His spine cracked.

It had been one punch and Jack had fallen to the floor, unconscious on the floor due to all the pain he endorsed. Jack walked back up to Sato and Kaminari, Grabbing Kaminari by the neck before pulling one of the tasers off his side and turning it on Kaminari. Almost like a shot of adrenaline, he woke up'' We won mates, Jack has bit the dust.''

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