The final fluff & end

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Izuku smiled as he pushed the girls out. He gave them his card and told them to enjoy the day. As soon as he saw the car leave.'' Follow them, Update them on everything.'' He asked as Yassop nodded.'' You got it, boss.'' Yassop easily followed the car. He used the roofs of buildings to keep his profile low and his Haki to read theirs. He was the perfect spy.'' Come on fin.'' A portal opened, and in walked the Baratie crew.'' Zeff, Sanji, You guys are life savers.'' A bunch of butlers walked in aswell.'' Do not worry Prince, we shall help.''

Jin and Alfred stood with a proud smile. The large room was completely emptied. Groups of mops started to clean the floors. Each one focused on their small space and cleaned it to perfection. The walls were dusted, new curtains were hung, and paintings renewed. The large marble floor, Now cleaned to perfection, was perfect to even eat off. A large table was brought it. Redwood. Cut from a single tree. The massive table was placed in the middle. Shiny new plates were placed down on the table. a nice origami napkin placed on the table. silverware placed next to it. It started to look like a perfect, picture-perfect restaurant. 

Back in the kitchen, they were hard at work.'' come on guy, any fuck ups and I will personally excel you.'' Zeff yelled as he and Sanji were working on the meat. Each one got a steak. Except Ibara as she was vegetarian. But the steaks were sliced, a perfect mix between fat and meat. All the extras were used for Side dishes. The meat was salted and left to rest, allowing the salt to penetrate the flavors.


'' Wonder why Izuku wanted us out of the house.'' Mitsuki wondered as Nemuri joked.'' Maybe he is finally going to ask for our hand in marriage.'' The girls laughed. It was too soon for that, They all wanted it, Yet they were still not heroes. They still had their lives to live.


Izuku placed the cameras in each corner of the room. on top of the ceiling pointing down and at the perfect view spot. He was not going to die because of this. His mom and their parents would get the full POV.'' I am grateful for all your help.'' It's our pleasure. ''

Jin and Alfred could not be happier for Izuku. The young boy who used to call girls yukky because they were girls had transformed into a strong young womanizer with a harem of beautiful women, Each one worthy of the title of queen, Each passionate, soft, sweet, and kind. Each one with its drive to move forward. They were happy for him. Izuku placed the small black boxes on the table. 24K white gold, forged by his hand into a perfect ring. each one a unique and interesting design.

And on top, each one got their diamond. a flawless perfectly cut diamond. Each one however altered by Vegapunk. A perfect color mixed in, each one that perfectly matched the girl. Violet for Kyoka, Pink for Mina, and the like.  Izuku knew his love could not be shown by price, His love for them was more than even the biggest and most perfect diamond could show, Not all the diamonds in the world would be fair against his love for the girls, But it meant something. He had spent time on them, He took care of each of the rings. He treated them as if they were the girls themselves.

After nearly 2 hours of hard work. two hours of getting the room perfect. Of getting the food prepared just right, Allowing for the final touches to be ready. Yassop gave the heads-up that the women were coming back. Izuku hurried the final touches. each place filled with food. The rings are perfectly placed on the table. Yet hidden by him. They would be surprised. He smiled as he felt their Haki get closer and closer, His heart started beating faster and faster, and his breathing sped up. He started feeling nervous. More nervous than standing in front of the biggest evils in the world.

The girls entered the house, bags of clothing and toys around them.'' there are still bags in the car. Izuku be a dear and grab them for us.'' Mitsuki asked with Izuku nodding.'' after, I got us some food.'' oh no, what did you do.'' Mitsuki asked sure something had to be wrong here.'' Nothing Just sit, relax.'' Izuku smiled as he signaled for all the girls to a special seat.'' Well, I did want to ask one thing.'' Izuku said with a smile as he stood in front of them, Before removing his quirk. showing the boxes as he dropped to his knees.

'' will you marry me.'' He said with a smile, Each of the girls gasped, and their breath escaped them as tears filled their eyes. they instantly knew their answers.'' yes''


Gio here. I just want to say thank you to all that got toward the end of Royal. It's been a long journey. One that started on February 25th, 2021. But it has been a fun one for me. 

I truly hope that all of you enjoyed it as much as me. I hope that the fights got you excited.

 The memory of Izuku and All Might playing Ping Pong with the USJ Nomu made you laugh

the hunt of Stain got you invested

that fight with Shike got you heated

that the relationship between izuku and the other royals got you to laugh

that camp got you worried

that Izuku's shenanigans during the license exam got a chuckle out of you

that the work studies and the fights got you hyped.

And most importantly. that Royal hero itself entertained you.

I hope all of you will stick around my account to enjoy the other books I want to write.

Thank you for reading and see you all in the next book

-The author, Gio

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