The Sports festival. Part 1

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''Now for the intro speech. Please welcome miss Yaoyorozu.'' Present Mic yelled out. Giving the signal to Momo to walk toward the microphone and Cementos.

As Momo stood there she heard some cheers but she also heard some boo's with yells to let the prince talk.'' Hello and welcome to the UA sports festival.  I understand that some would have preferred it if someone else would have given this speech, But I have been given the honor of doing so. Today all of us first years will compete against each other in a variety of events. We will use everything within our power to not only put on a show for every one of you but to also show each of you that we are the next generation. We are all students of UA, We are all the future of the world. Just because we are in the heroics department does not mean anything. We are not helping people today, We are not fighting villains today. Today will just be a competition and I hope you all will give it your best. Now I do have one more thing to say, and this does not come from myself. I have been given this message by the prince. Do not shame yourself or him by holding back. Give it your all, Try and defeat him. Give it 100% and go PLUS ULTRA.'' In the last part of the speech, everyone joined in.

 As she walked down she got some praise from her classmates. Izuku gave her a thumbs up and a wink making her blush. The other students from UA were still a little on the scared side of the prince but seeing Kirishima act like a normal friend around the prince did help a bit.

'' The First event will be a race around the arena, The course itself is a good 5 Kilometers but where the real kick will be. There will be obstacles. So it's not just competing against each other but also against the course itself. Good luck because the race starts in 5 minutes.'' Present Mic spoke making most of the students rush toward the starting line except Izuku who walked toward the area with Eri and Nemuri.

Using his Haki he quickly located them and he jumped up and clung onto the railing. '' Hi eri, oh Uhm hello ladies,'' Izuku said not expecting the other pros there. They were shocked not being able to speak one word. '' Hi, papa. Why are you here don't you need to run.'' Eri asked as she tilted her head.'' I know I just wanted to see how you were doing. are you hungry?'' Eri responded by nodding her head a little. Ryukyu wanted to get up and offer to get her something but that was stopped when eri spoke. '' Uhm daddy can I get some mossi.'' You mean Mochi sweety.'' This got Eri to nod happily Izuku transformed his hand into mochi and made her a large set of small Mochi balls. Enough to share between all the women there. Nemuri saw this and took one

'' So tasty,'' Eri said as she took a bite. '' Now snowball how do you want me to race.'' Izuku asked Eri as he has often told her about his abilities and she liked to hear about it. '' oh oh Do the bluebird papa.'' She excitedly said as she jumped up and down in her seat. ''  Sure snowball. Now enjoy the Mochi hope its to all of your taste.'' Izuku said as he let go of  the railing and calmly walked back to the others.'' Uhm you weren't joking.'' Yu said/asked '' Nope I wasn't.'' Nemuri said as she took a second Mochi.'' You should try some of them they are really tasty.'' each of the women took one and took a bite enjoying the taste.

Out of nowhere was the signal making all of the students run except Izuku who was still walking toward the starting line. Shoto was first to act as he froze the ground trapping almost everyone. He started running having now trapped nearly all the other classes and even Izuku was trapped. Class 1a expected something like that and jumped as soon as the race started. 1B were lucky and were able to break out and soon acted like 1A hoping for it to help them. 

They ran hoping to get an early lead.'' OH, would you look at that the hero courses are on the front line with Todoroki and Bakugo in the lead. Todoroki's incredible opening move incapacitated many other students and even his own classmate Izuku Midoriya. What will he do now  that he is stuck.'' Izuku looked down at the ice and saw that it was all around his shoes making him stuck in place but this was the case for many others there as well. Some begged for help some started yelling in frustration and anger that they lost this quickly. Izuku shook his head and used the Gura Gura no mi ( Tremor Tremor fruit) on his fist and punched the floor never making contact but still releasing the ice as it cracked freeing not only himself but everyone around him as well.

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