the Sports festival. Part 2

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'' Now for the next event Battle Royale'' Present Mic spoke alerting each of the competitors for the new event.''Cememtos will create a field, After the field has been created you will have 15 minutes extra to come up with a team or a solo strategy. There will be of course rules those will be. No Flying, The second you land on the outside your out. Quirks are of course allowed. The last 16 that remain standing will go on to the next round. teaming up is allowed.''

Each student went and started planning. Some went and tried making teams some were deep in thought about how to best destroy everyone, But then there was Izuku. He was still laying on the grass to the side watching the clouds.

== With Eri==

''What is he doing?'' Uwabami asked her friends as they looked at the prince almost taking a nap.'' It looks like he is sleeping.'' Yu said with eri shook her head.'' No papa is watching the sky.'' This still confused everyone as to why.'' Do you know why he is doing that eri?'' Ryuko asked eri but also Nemuri. '' I dont know. Papa just said he likes watching clouds.'' I dont know too much about it myself but it's true. For some reason, he really likes sitting outside and just watching the clouds. I think it might be calming but not really sure I never paid attention to the clouds I always fell asleep.'' Nemuri said with Eri nodded in confirmation 

'' Do you think he will pass this part?'' Uwabami asked. ''Yeah look at those wimps none of them will attack him. They barely look at him.'' Rumi responded as she bit down on a carrot. What she said was true enough as nearly all the students didn't look over at Izuku except for a couple.

Bakugo wanted to fight him and show his strength to everyone. Showing that he was going to become the next number 1 hero.

Todoroki wanted to show his strength as well and he was looking toward the most dangerous opponents out there. in his sights were Izuku, Bakugo, Ida, Robin, Shiosaki and Honenuki. And with those in mind, he began thinking of ways to defeat them.

Ida wanted to win this Sports festival but he wanted in no way shape or form to insult or harm the prince. But if he didn't fight him at full strength that itself would be insulting toward the prince his power. So Ida was having a mental argument with himself.

Kamikiri wanted to see how he would stand against the prince. How would he be seen by all people as powerful if he defeated the prince?

Monoma wanted to show how much better 1B was and defeating the most important person in the said class would be perfect.

TetsuTetsu wanted to prove himself. Show how manly he is. So far he wants really able to show how well he did. Sure in the race he was 11th but that wasn't good enough.

 Cementos made the ring and all 42 made their way inside the ring. It was clear that some teamed up together. The girls stuck close together. Asui and Tokoyami stayed close together. Some of the guys had planned to stay together or to at least help each other in case of need

Bakugo made sure nobody was behind him and was already in a combat position ready to destroy anyone in his way.

Todoroki made sure he was safe from the ring but also close enough to kick people out without too much trouble.

The girls decided that they try and help each other but could still fight each other for a chance to win but only when some people were defeated. Sure teaming up could be seen as weak but they took it as teaming up to defeat a greater evil. That before has happened. There used to be a hero by the name of The Fist who teamed up a man who went by the Name Gold they teamed up in America defeating a crime syndicate who called themself Rocks. Gold was not a hero but a vigilante. The battle was great and hard-fought. The small island that the Rocks had captured was the battleground and after that battle, it was no longer an island. 

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