Camp, New arrivals

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It was the next day and training was coming to a close, Everyone had spent hours working on themselves and even them together as was happening right now. Working together on how to perfect their teamwork, Friends working together, of course, already knowing each other moves and perfecting their timing,

But some still worked together even if they didnt know their timing, Izuku tried teaming up with most and working as a support player most of the time, allowing the other to be the main force as Izuku either helped them or protected them, For some Izuku knew how well they would work together with Kirishima or Ida, Some like Kamakiri and Kendo were expected to be good in working together, but then what surprises Izuku a lot was his skill in working together with Bakugo.

Both had incredible battle instincts, But Bakugo now not just focused on fighting but also on working together now. It was a real challenge against Tiger, Sure they still got their beat in hand to hand, But they hit Tiger a couple of times which was seen as a great win in everyone's book, which got them a half an hour break, that both didnt use as they wanted to get stronger not rest which made tiger smile only to fight harder against the two of them

But with Izuku and Bakugo fighting Tiger both started to learn how Tiger moved which made it easier for Both, Now instead of like 1 in 100 hits, it went to 1 in 50 and 1 in 25. The others were seated next to each other looking at him. The girls took this break as an opportunity to talk with Nemuri, Eri being looked after by Aizawa, 

'' So what do you ladies want to talk about.'' In front of Nemuri stood all the girls except Tsuyu, Kendo, Reiko, and Komori.'' Miss Kayama, We don't want to wait for our dates, Is there a way we can speed that up.'' Setsuna asked wanting to be with Izuku. His sweaty shirts clinging onto his chest. His heavy breathing turned her core temperature several degrees higher.

Many of the girls agreed, with each having their reasons for it. Nemuri placed her finger under her chin to think.'' I do have something but it might be a bit much.'' I am okay with it.'' Yui said with Mina, Pony, and Setsuna nodding.'' Mina, we are already dating him'' Ochaco laughed as Mina pouted

'' But what is it,'' Ibara asked with Nemuri giving a smile.'' If you all trade in some favors with the guys, you might be able to join Izuku in the hot springs, Which should more than Convince him.'' Some started blushing strongly like Ibara and Momo, while others started licking their lips at the thought of naked Izuku

'' Is that r-really s-something we should, Allow H-Him to see our form before marriage.''  Ibara said with Nemuri smiling,'' Oh he has seen my form plenty.'' Ibara blushed.'' I-is there a different way around it,'' Momo asked wanting to date Izuku but rather shy about showing her form to Izuku just like that.

'' Well you can always wait until your time for the date, But that might take a little with all the upcoming things.'' I say we just do it, Why wait.'' Nami said shrugging, She didnt want to go naked for a guy to date him, But this felt different''  But ladies it's not that you are selling him with your body, He is too smart to fall for that. It's to show him that you like him.''

'' Cant we just say that we like him.'' Nemuri shrugged before clapping her hands.'' break is over, back to work children.'' This got everyone to start moving and finish their last part of training for the day, Each girl getting close to the group of guys and trying to make a deal with them, to give the bath to them for the day.

It cost them a day worth of making food aswell as having cleaning Duty for a couple of days but in the end, it would be worth it. Izuku was now training with Shinso who smirked as Reiko who he recently had started dating told him to stay clear out of the bath for a little bit as the other ladies had something planned.

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