help arrives

978 38 35

As the doc of the red hair group was looking over Izuku and trying to close as many wounds as he could in order to keep Izuku alive, many of the other group members were doing the same to the criminals, Many of the African members had a similar rank that they had, Being the main protectors of the royal family. And seeing what they did made them sick. As for the others, the students standing around watching their friend fight for his life. It made them sick, But there was one thing that Shanks knew needed to be done.

'' Excuse me, Mandalay correct.'' Mandalay nodded her head'' I need a secure and private location, For'' with a slight silence Shanks spoke again as he looked at Magna and Spinner.'' Questioning.'' Mandalay swallowed deeply before pointing at a small cabin a little away, normally used to store extra supplies but it was empty now that they were used for the students. Shanks nodded as he grabbed both Magna and Spinner and he dragged the two over toward the cabin, Bakugo, and Todoroki was planning on following but were stopped by Beckman.'' You don't know what will happen.''

Both glared up at the man with Bakugo speaking up.'' OF COURSE, I FUCKING DO, HE IS ABOUT TO TORTURE THOSE TWO FUCKERS AND I WANT TO GET SOME AWNSERS.'' This sort of surprised Beckman as last time Bakugo didnt act like that.'' We understand what will happen, But you don't understand what really Just happened. We just walked away as our friend and classmate fought for his life, We need to help in some way, and I know the human body's limitations.'' Shoto said calmly before Aizawa wrapped both of them up in his scarf and pulled them down to the ground.'' You two sit down and shut up, You won't do anything except wait.''

With that, they were now all waiting for the heroes to show up and they were on their way, But as that was happening Shanks was now standing in the small storage cabin with both Magna and Spinner tied up in front of him.'' Both of you will tell me EVERYTHING you know about your leader. Or else'' Shanks was pissed and he was going to get all the awnsers he wanted no matter the cost. But both Magna and Spinner didnt know a lot, They were just pawns in his game,

'' All we know is his name and his goal.'' Let's start with those then.'' Shanks said as he stepped back giving them a little space to relax the area a bit.'' After Stain was said to be working with the group that attacked Hosu we wanted to join that group, Fighting for a world we could be accepted in sounded nice.'' Magna started.'' Then thanks to an underground recruiter we were able to join a group called the League of villains.'' Shanks knew this, it was the reason he put Toga in that group.'' His name is All For One, Under him is a weird-looking doctor aswell as Shigaraki.''

Shanks knew all this information already and it was starting to piss him off.'' His goal was to take the place of the royal family, kill them and become them, That is all we know.'' What is his quirk.'' Which one.'' This caught Shanks off guard.'' What?'' His quirk allows him to steal and gift quirks, It was the main reason we joined him, We either lost our quirks or could gain one in the end. I see, Well start remembering all the quirks you remember him using .'' Shanks said starting to note down all the quirks in hopes of finding something useful.

But as Shanks was busy getting awnsers from Magna and Spinner, The other heroes showed, Nezu and Recovery girl were the first ones to show up with All Might, Who had three large bags completely filled with medical items. Something Recovery girl was instantly starting to use on Izuku, Working hand in hand with the doc of the red hair group. Recovery girl wasn't able to use her own quirk o Izuku, he had no stamina left so, Recovery girl had to rely on her own medical skill. which was still more than enough skill.

Nezu walked up to the students and remaining heroes that stayed passive as the red hair group was cuffing and tieing down the leftover villains.'' I understand that today had been very traumatic for you all, Seeing your friend, classmate, and even leader, so close to death, But could you all please explain to me what happened here.'' All Might stood behind him hoping to give the students a sense of extra safety that they most likely had been missing. Ida took a deep breath as he started to explain what had happened in his eyes, knowing he didnt has all the facts.

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