starting camp

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1A sit waiting in the bus, They had been driving for around three hours so far, They were going to camp and they were bored. Sitting in a bus for three hours wasn't fun for everyone.'' Are we there yet.'' Eri asked as both Eri and Nemuri had come along for moral support and to help look over everyone. Izuku suggested staying back home, But both insisted and had already asked Nezu who agreed, wanting to see the effect of a morale boost such as Eri at work.

'' We are almost at the stop point, So don't worry,'' Nemuri said as Aizawa gave her the signal. The bus drove for a couple of extra minutes before coming to a halt.'' EVERYONE GET OUT,'' Each one got outstanding their believing it was a place they could stretch their legs. '' Oh man being able to walk feels great, That bus was stuffy,'' Kaminari said as he cracked his back and walked in small circles until a small black sedan drove up and park near them. The windows tinted making it impossible to see inside. The door opened and nothing Before two figures jumped out.

First was a blond-haired woman wearing a blue and white top and a matching skirt, two large yellow cat paws, and blue whisker-like markings on her cheeks. A visor on her eyes and a large smile, Next to her a similar woman but instead of Blue she wore more red, fitting her dark red hair and her red whisker marks.'' Your feline fantasies are here. Your pawtastic heroes have arrived. TWO OF THE.'' WILD WILD PUSSYCATS.'' Eri screamed very excitedly.

'' Oh, a fan.'' The blond-haired one said with Eri nodding.'' yah, I LOVE YOUR GROUP, YOUR PIXIE-BOB YOUR SUPER FUN, AND MANDALAY IS LIKE THE MOMMY OF THE GROUP HELPING EVERYONE, YOU ALL SUPEP COOL.'' She started yelling out excitedly about the wild wild Pussycats, Only stopped by Izuku.'' Eri sweety calm down,'' This was the first time the two heroes looked around, and they went wide-eyed as they saw the prince standing there.

Their brain was broken. The prince stood in front of them. They didnt know if they should lay down, kneel, bow, kiss the ring, or nothing, so they did nothing, Could do nothing as their minds melted.'' Kitties wake up.'' Nemuri had walked behind them and dragged her nail across their necks waking them up.'' Oh, your highness.'' They wanted to bow but Nemuri had them standing as she had a grip on their collars.'' Nope, Keep up kitties. He isn't Prince here he is Izuku.'' She told them, showing a different reason she was here.

'' Oh,'' Mandalay said before speaking softly.'' are you sure.'' She asked with Nemuri nodding.'' Yes, you're a teacher, don't worry He will listen perfectly.'' She whispered with Izuku just holding Eri in his arms listening with a smile on his face as she list off all types of hero jobs the Pussycats have done,'' Okay then, Yes we are half of the Wild Wild Pussycats, Mandalay'' and Pixie-bob Nya.'' Both struck a cute pose with Eri fangirling

'' Who is that,'' Izuku asked as he pointed toward the car where a small boy only slightly younger than Eri, wearing slightly saggy pants and a slightly bigger shirt, His most notable clothing item was a red cap with two golden horns. Mandalay spoke up.'' Oh, that is Kota, He is my nephew, I have to look after him hope that isn't a problem.'' It seems we have might a friend for him.'' Well, Eri come let's get in the car.'' Oh, we are going again.'' Sero responded to Nemuri with Aizawa standing in the way.

'' They are, you, however.'' Will have to find your road there.'' Mandalay walked toward the railing before pointing toward the base of the mountain where you could see a slightly open area'' There at the base of the mountain is our camp, It's 9 now, So you all should arrive around 1ish right in time for lunch. And don't worry it's all our property so you can use your quirk freely.'' Izuku raised his hand.'' Are you sure?'' Oh yes, As far as the eyes can see, is ours, so you're free to use any.'' So I can just bring everyone there.'' Hah do that and I will do anything you want.'' Oh, perhaps a date.'' Nemuri said answering Pixie-bob's joke

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