Passing the exam and gifts

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 Izuku dropped his hands, Magma turning to flesh once more.'' oh you guys did it well done, I am proud of all of you.'' Fuck you, I will kick your skull in later for those fucking comments.'' Bakugo cussed as he kept walking with his middle finger pointed right at Izuku who laughed.'' I do apologize, Just had to get you angry to start making mistakes, But you did rather well containing it.'' Izuku said with Bakugo still just flipping Bakugo off as he kept walking to the front. Most were doing the same exept one man.

'' SIR I AM A BIG FAN.'' Inasa screamed as he bowed, causing him to headbutt the floor, causing a gash on his forehead.'' Wow, Calm down, Don't want any brain damage'' Izuku said looking at the wound that wasnt really serious it just caused alot of blood.'' But it's good to hear. You are?'' MY APOLOGIES, I AM INASA YOARASHI FIRST-YEAR STUDENT OF SHIKETSU UNIVERSITY.'' Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Yoarashi, let's check your results. Tho I have no doubt a fine and capable hero like yourself passed the exam.'' Izuku said with a smile as Inasa nodded.

They quickly followed the rest. Izuku using the pika pika no mi(glint glint fruit) to head back to Aizawa.'' That was enjoyable.'' AHH!'' Aizawa chuckled as Miss Joke screamed.'' haha Sorry Miss Joke, My apologies.'' Miss joke just leaned back laughing that she got scared.'' Move it Midoriya, We gotta meet the class downstairs.'' Izuku nodded still using the glint glint fruit, going down extremely fast, waiting on the top of the bus with his legs crossed., He was sure all his classmates would pass the exam, Each of them was trained and strong, With just enough friendliness to passing.

Izuku noticed multiple classes went gone far faster than 1a, at least three classes were out before Izuku noticed the first of 1A, which was Ida with a proud smile.'' The rest will join us aswell in a few minutes they still have to locate their names on the board, I am sure they will all pass.'' That I am sure off aswell.'' Ida gave a slight bow.'' Please give my thanks to Sir Rayleigh and mister Beckman for their training.'' Oh, I am sure they will drop by again, I mean Kakashi sensei will show up for Eri aswell.''

'' I see I shall hold my thanks till then,'' Ida said as he started making his way inside of the bus. Izuku kept on the top as he wanted to see everyone walk up, It was a far more enjoyable site than just waiting on the bus. All the students quickly followed Ida up. Each threw up the cards that they received as they passed the exam. The more excited students called out loudly.'' WE PASSED IT EASY.'' Mina yelled throwing her arms in the air.'' YEAH WOW, WE DID IT, WE ARE HEROES NOW.'' Nami added to the yell.

'' While I would happily think you can make it as a hero, It's only for moments that require it, In great moments of problems.'' SHUT UP BUZZKILL.'' Mina called out throwing her jacket at him. Izuku didnt move nor catch it, So it hit him in the face and fell on his lap.'' That wasnt nice, Guess you won't get the price I got ready for you all.'' The students stopped.''W-wha, Surprise.'' Izuku nodded.'' Yeah, seeing you all work so hard, And I kinda got a freebie on this one, I thought why not surprise you all.'' THAT'S SO MANLY.''

He of course knew they would pass, So having prepared in advance.'' OH WHAT IS IT, I DONT LIKE SURPRISES, FINE I LOVE THEM BUT TELL MEEEE.'' Toru asked with Izuku laughing loudly. He stood up and jumped down with a front flip, landing on his feet Only to get a shoulder bump from Bakugo.'' Show off.'' Izuku just laughed as Aizawa started pushing everyone on the bus. So they could make a quick getaway, But it sadly was too late as Aizawa heard the laughter.'' SHOOOOOOTAAAAAAA, WE SHOULD DO SOME TRAINING TOGETHER, OUR CLASSES COULD GROW!!!''

'' maybe, Fine I guess, discuss it with Midnight, we have a place to be.'' Aizawa pushed the last students in and closed the door. ''Sit down and let's go.''With that they drove quickly, Going back to UA, where Izuku's surprise would be waiting on them. The drive was extremely calming and fun, All the students were excited and of that, Nobody could blame them, They passed an exam one year before they needed to. So it was a great win in their book, and Aizawa was proud of them. They well exceeded his expectations.

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