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'' What are we going to do here,  I ain't really a hilly type of hero.'' Mina said with a sad smile, wanting to be of use.'' Better here than there, Ribbit.'' Tsuyu pointed back showing there was still alot of destruction and chaos in the middle  of the area they were before.'' Just stick close, We will pass on to the next part where you will be able to show your strength, But for now, we need to travel the darkness and attack from behind.'' Mina wasn't sure as it sounded scary and devilish, But she stood behind her teammates.

With a nod she followed them thru the hilly area, Nothing dark like Tokoyami spoke off, But rather irritating in Mina's eyes.'' Psss guys, I found some, It was four per person right.'' Dark shadow said as he came back giving the info.'' No, Only 2 so a team of six would be required as a sacrifice.'' Oh hehe, OOPS, Cause they kinda followed me back.'' Just as dark shadow said this the group of students he talked about peaked up, 12 students looking right at them.'' Ah, fuck it's only three of them.'' Fuck it, let's beat them, for an easy pass for, Era, Mera, and Ora, They all only need one more point.''

The three in question were now in a bind and they were gonna have to fight 4 people off per person.'' Oh ribbit.'' Tsuyu getting ready for a big-ass fight, Knowing it was going to be a good effort unless they were really weak. But as two of them started glowing.'' Brock, Braden go forth, we have to strengthen your bodies,'' it had seemed the three that would be getting the easy points were support heroes. and good ones at that.'' Let's go.'' Both bro-fisted each other before raising hands.

'' Mina melt them.'' W-WHAT THAT WOULD KILL THEM, WE NEED TO SUBDUE NOT MURDER.'' Mina screamed at Tokoyami causing the two to take a step back in fear.'' Not really just throw weak stuff on them to scare them.'' Tsuyu whispered to her making mina gasp as she started to understand what she meant. She walked forward her hands low and a dark smile on her face.'' Nobody is here, and I never need to hide the bodies.'' She started swinging her arms, sizzling acid hitting the floor, melting small rocks and stones as she got closer to the group walking back in fear.

'' eh lady, its hero exam not murder, so chill, CHILL EY YO CHILL.'' The somewhat leader of the group screamed Mina ran toward them with a smile, hands leaking acid that was no longer acidic, It was more like water now or lemon juice. They fell on their backs screaming in fear just as Mina started spraying them down, head to toe covered in simple water, But it didnt stop them from screaming loudly in fear, four of them wet crying, and covered in pee, their own pee of course.

Screaming and rolling around in fear as they were scared that their skin was melting away, Only for Mina to giggle as if nothing happened.'' Great work Mina, But we aren't yet thru with today's objective.'' Tokoyami said as Darkshadow dashed forward, going low like a feral beast and rushing forward, aiming to palm strike one of the support heroes, only to just get stopped by one of the many others.'' No deal kiddo, I ain't letting you touch them.'' Ribbit.'' This was a warning from Tsuyu as he just jumped up and with full force dropkicked the man on the face, 

Thanks to Tsuyu's quirk, it hurt alot more than a simple, drop kick, Tsuyu had far more leg strength than your average person, and while she wasn't at the level of Mirko, It still was far, far away from pleasant, So the dude dropped of course, like a sack of rocks, Allowing dark shadow to be freed again, rushing to the rest, and learning from his first fault instead of attacking them, he went to capture them. Uses his connection with Tokoyami as a binding, and wraps it around the group. It had 8 down now, More than they needed, But there were still 4 remainings,

'' Walk away, and we will leave 2 of your friends alone, we just want to pass,'' Mina said with her hands raised showing she didnt want to keep fighting. It was a hard decision but they took it.'' Fine,'' They had very little choice, Most of their team was taken down in seconds, and the strongest members were either on the floor knocked out, Or in pain. But one dude walked up. Face filled with determination.'' Instead of Mera please take me,'' This man, unbeknownst to him, had been dating her for weeks and had been madly in love for years. 

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