Is it just a numbers game?

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as Kaido was bent slightly at the force of Izuku's punch. Izuku happily smirked at both Kaido and Doflamingo. who while holding a smile had started to slightly worry about the outcome of the battle.'' WORORORORORORORORO, You hit hard boy, But I have been hit harder.'' Kaido spoke with confidence as he stood straight once more. Izuku just chuckled.'' Of course, you have, But I can't go around hitting you the hardest at the start of the fight right? Where would the build-up be? Where would the climax be? Nah, I am gonna hit you harder and harder over time. But first.'' Izuku clapped his hands

He vanished for half a second before appearing in front of Doflamingo. His shoulders slightly turned as he leaned to the right ever so slightly. his right arm reaching incredible speeds going down low. in a picture-perfect form, Izuku landed a devastating uppercut right into Doflamingo's gut. Doflamingo's eyes nearly bulged out of his head as he was taken off his feet and flung into the back wall with more speed and force than a bullet train.'' I WON'T FORGET YOU.'' Izuku called out as he punched Doflamingo.

He however should have kept his attention on Kaido, Because while that might have blitzed the weaker Doflamingo. Kaido was able to keep track of Izuku and grabbed his giant Kanabo club. and with his overwhelming and pure physical strength swung the club at Izuku who took it head-on. The club was larger than All Might and connected with the entire body of Izuku.  The metal bat covered in spikes made contact with Izuku's now rubbery flesh. Kaido like all attacks covered his bat in Haki. Thus Izuku felt every inch of the blow.

Just like Doflamingo only with so much more force, Izuku was kicked back. Breaking thru multiple walls, and flying thru multiple rooms. Izuku finally came to a stop as the debris behind him had amassed enough weight to stop his momentum.'' Damn. I should have seen that coming.'' Izuku scolded himself unable to dodge such a basic move. Thankfully. It didnt hurt Izuku that much. It wasn't pleasant, But his teachers had done worse. Hell, his mother had done worse with her hugs. So he dusted himself off only to see Bjorn mid-battle.'' YOOOOO Bjorn. How is it going buddy.'' Izuku asked casually.

Bjorn right now was in battle with one of his Tobiroppo. The man is known as overflowing Sasaki. A strange man Who had transformed into a Triceratops.'' Oh, it's going great, He is kinda weak tho so I am trying to get your friends to do more.'' Bjorn said as Izuku took note of both Yui and Pony.'' Hey girls you still doing fine?'' Izuku asked with a sweet tone to two of his girls. They were using an honestly scary combo right now. Pony was using six of her 8 horns she could control at once, But Yui had made them the size of cars. Pony was moving like they were rockets.

They looked at Izuku.'' Yes, we are fine.'' At the small moment Yui took to answer Izuku, Sasaki swung his long thick tail at her and smacked her hard. She got hit back But got up not even a second later. Izuku cleared his throat. He hated seeing his girls hurt, But they could handle themselves'' Dont worry Brother. If they get into a tough pickle. I shall aid them till my very last breath.'' Bjorn said with Izuku nodding.'' Well, I got two asses to kick right now so if you could excuse me.'' Izuku said jumping back to now start really fighting Kaido.

'' COMMON RULE, PLEASE KEEP YOUR EYES FOCUSED ON YOUR ENEMY AT ALL TIMES,'' Bjorn told her as Pony kept dinging her horns around. Not with a lot of effect. But thanks to Sasaki's attack alot of rubble had come loose. Yui grabbed handfuls and threw them at Sasaki. The small stones were thrown high. they would not even worry about his attention. But Yui's quirk made small problems, BIG problems. Right as they had their downwards arc. Yui made the marble-sized rocks, turn into car-sized borders. Sasaki wanted to dodge, But from each side, one of Pony's rocket horns showed up giving him no way out other than brace for impact.

And he did. Each attack landed. All 8 of Pony's horns went point first into him. two in his front. two on each side of his large triceratops body and two from his back. At the same time. the handful of rocks also collided with Sasaki's body. He was covered, Bjorn seeing this as the perfect end of the battle. Grabbed both his axes. Jumped high up into the ground, Using the blunt side so as not to damage the razor-sharp edge of the blade. and slammed against it with all his might. 

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