More fluff. Setsuna, Mei, And Yu

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'' Are you sure I am gonna like it,'' Setsuna asked, She at the moment was blindfolded in a jeep, that was floating. Or it wasn't driving, she wasn't sure. But that was the last thing she saw. Izuku had picked her up and they teleported toward this weird island. The place they teleported to, 100% looked like an alien spaceship. She was confused, But as Izuku walked toward a large jeep without any wheels. And signaled for her to get in, She did. Confused, But She knew she was going to enjoy it.

'' I am sure. Just keep them on. I don't want you to peak, it will ruin the surprise and we are almost there.'' Izuku said with a large smile on his face. How could he not, he was going to fulfill one of Setsuna's wishes. A safe replica of one of Setsuna's favorite movies. As the hover jeep landed. One that uses repulsion techniques, too complex for Izuku to explain.'' Okay, you can take your blindfold off.'' FINALLY'' Setsuna nearly tore it off her head, shaking her head as she did it, fixing her hair. As her eyes adjusted to the light she saw it.

She was face to face with a Triceratops.'' A DINOSAUR, WHAT.'' Setsuna screamed in excitement. She exploded into chunks, each one floating upwards to see the entire area.'' Jup. It had been a request of mine, I used some of the powers I have, aswell as a multitude of other volunteers' DNA, with the use of some DNA from old bones, and Old Man Vegapunk was able to bring them back to life. You are the first official guest, In Tokage's Land of Dinosaurs.'' Setsuna's eyes literally went out of her head and floated down toward Izuku'' ARE YOU FOR REAL, YOU NAMED A DINO PART AFTER ME.''

Izuku nodded and instantly Setsuna's lower parts floated down, aswell as her mouth.'' GIVE ME YOUR BABIES, I LOVE YOU.'' Izuku laughed as he kissed her lips, before smacking her butt away.'' Come let's explore shall we.'' Izuku used the Maki Maki no Mi(scroll scroll fruit) to pick up the jeep. Before then use the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi,( Float-Float fruit) and flied up. Setsuna followed,'' Because We used Jurassic Park as a base guide, We do have some parts altered to not cause the same problems, The Dinosaurs, while sticking to their natural foods, Dont see anything else as food,''

Setsuna nodded, this made sense, Most people don't want a Trex seeing them as dinner.'' So it can be a free roam part. Some of the smaller dinos do have friendly tendencies, almost like dogs. Just for kids to enjoy and stuff. And Vegapunk has enabled the options for some head-to-head fights, But with the possibility of  cloning and reproducing a Baby Trex in a matter of days, That seemed fine.'' Izuku said as they flew around the area. Right now they were looking at a small pack of Ankylosaurs. A momma, papa, and kid Anky.'' Oh my lord, they are cute.''

Setsuna floated down. Coming into contact with the pack, and just like Izuku said, they almost acted like dogs. The small baby, the size of a small child nearly ran on Setsuna, But acted sweetly. Eager to be petted. as the larger ones showed up Setsuna was in awe. They were massive compared to her and she loved it.'' Please tell me, this shit is gonna have rides.'' Izuku nodded. While normal Ankys would be far too spiky to ride, With a large cushion or something it should be doable and cool enough to do.

But as they walked away, they came face to face with the Apex predator. The Trex aka Tyrannosaurus rex. A massive small armed, massive-mouthed beast. At it stared them down.'' HAHA no way,'' Izuku said laughing.'' what, what, why does it look like he wants to eat us.'' Because he deems me as a threat.'' Izuku pulled out his phone.'' Vega, yeah, strong enough people do count as dinner, Might want to change that.'' Izuku said casually as Setsuna floated up to ride the rex. Fulfilling a dream she had, ever since she got her first plastic, Dino figure.


'' IZUKUUUUUUUUU, I DONT WANNNAAAAA GOOOOOOOO.'' Mei said nearly screaming as Izuku held her by the ankle. He dragged her with force out of the lab. And for Izuku that was saying something. Mei was really strong, She was clinging onto doors and tiles, hell it even seemed she was capable of grabbing into the air with how much Mei was struggling. Izuku shook his head as he didnt give in. Holding her by the legs, dragging her through UA, Being looked at and laughed at, But finally. Mei was far enough from the lab, that instead of struggling, she would bargain to be brought back.

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