The internships. Pt 3

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Izuku and Nemuri started the second day later than normal. They had been held up because of the media. On the first day of patrol, the Media had caught wind of it and it gave all sorts of attention. It was rather fun to watch people argue within themselves.

One part of them wanted to step close to Asia's prince but on the other hand, they were far too scared to offend him in any way. The patrol itself was mainly boring. No real villain dared to show their face in the area. one villain did however yet this villain did not want to fight. He wanted to be arrested by the prince himself. 

As Izuku arrested him the villain thanked Izuku which was a first for both Izuku and Midnight. Never had they had a villain or criminal hand themselves over. Midnight nearly had one of those moments but the villain wanted a trade. He would surrender peacefully but he wanted a night with Midnight. 

She, of course, said yes and the second he came close she knocked him down. It was a true wonder what went in the minds of some villains. However, the Criminal that Izuku arrested wasn't a real villain. He only did some theft. No violence or harmful crimes.

Izuku was asked if he and Midnight were dating and while they had no shame to declare their relationship they wanted it to be theirs for a little while longer, So before Izuku could answer Midnight spoke.'' This is nothing more than a work relation, So if you don't mind the prince and I have to finish our patrol.'' This made the Media back down in fear of disturbing the Prince's schedule.

The rest of the day was normal. Izuku and Midnight did the paperwork or well Izuku did the paperwork while Midnight taught him how to do it. Thankfully with Izuku being brought up as the prince paperwork wasn't that strange for him. 

When the day was Over Izuku and Nemuri had moved to a hotel nearby. It was a 4-star hotel that was only a 4-minute walk away. Izuku also had to fill some forms himself. He and the other rulers of the world would hold their yearly meeting soon. Normally he would have to only fix travel information for himself but this time it was different.

He now was fixing the info to allow his girlfriends and daughter to come with him. It was the information for the Royal armed guards so they knew who they would protect and how many they had to protect. It was also information for the other royal families so they wouldn't be rude or demand things from those people.

When he finished the forms he placed them in an envelope and went to bed with Nemuri who was watching some show about the devil solving crimes in LA. 

As they entered the Agency they were surprised by the Midnight boyz on their knees. '' WE APOLOGIZE PRINCE MIDORIYA WE ACTED IN SUCH A RUDE MANNER YESTERDAY.  WE WILL EXEPT ANY PUNISHMENT FOR OUR ACTIONS.'' They yelled together 

'' There is no such need. I was pleased to know that Nemuri has 4 capable people that cared so deeply for her.'' Come, come Izuku you have to read some paperwork so we can do some patrol in the evening. It will be such fun.'' With that Izuku followed Midnight into her office.'' Yes, Mistress Midnight.''

As they sat down Midnight placed down a set of folders in front of Izuku. It was about the hero killer.'' Your chasing the hero killer.'' Izuku asked with shock in his voice. '' I am but more importantly, we are going to together. so read up don't want you unprepared.

Izuku proceeded to read the folder. Hero Killer Stain. Killed over 24 heroes and injured over 82. He had been on the move for over 2 years now.  It was pretty impressive how Stain was escaping a multitude of heroes and police for 2 years. 

Now the large group that had been chasing him finally knew where he had been hunting they could hunt him. There was even an okay on his death if the need would arise. 

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