Teamwork of the devil?

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'' We are not trying to kill him, But more trying to stop his attacks from reaching everyone else right,'' Itsuka asked joining the sprint of the others. Robin who had been picked as the leader nodded.'' Indeed. While fighting him again will be easy as his body is so large. We must assume he can hide. Thus the first priority will be to maintain the safety of everyone else.'' Ay ay Queeny, It will be more fun than crocodile hunting in the nude.'' Mike said with a full belly laugh.

'' I shall make our presence known,'' Yamato spoke as she grabbed her weapon from her back. A large Kanabo mace. She covered it in Haki. A skill her father taught her. And one she could now fully use as a royal guardian member. It was easy to see their targets, quickly as the war started the large skull on the island started to open its eyes. Yamato gripped her Kanabo tightly with both arms. Infusing it with Armament Haki as best she could. She jumped, Moving at breakneck speeds.'' Reimei Hakke: Thunderclap Eight Trigrams'' She swung her club. The attack connected perfectly in the large face. 

It caused a crack. The skull screamed out in pain again. How could he not. all over his body, all over the island these beasts were running around breaking parts of him, stomping the group, causing dents. it all hurt, But now this other one attacked his face. the one fighting Teach hurt that area enough. A massive hand. Easily the size of a small island came out from the water. waves and wind going crazy as he brought it.'' DIE DIE DIE.'' He yelled out at the annoyance. As the hand was brought down. Kendo move

Jumping up with her fist pulled back and her other hand stretched out. She quickly swapped their location as she expanded her fist at the final second.'' Arabesque Brick fist, EXPENSION.'' Itsuka's fist grew to its maximum size. Her momentum stopped completely as the air seemed to ripple. In reality, the air did not move. However, the water particles in the air did react. Alavo's hand stopped. At first, it was unable to move, Before then it broke. It cracked into thousands of smaller bits. These were still car-sized borders but better than before.

''Don't worry Karate Queen. I got your back.'' Kurao spoke. Raising his hand, out of the air. the same water particles frozen into javelins. Simple sharp sticks. Exstanding his hand more. almost like a push. The ice was launched. Easily breaking through the large boulders and crumbling them even more.'' Do not let up. He might be able to more than one arm.'' Robin called out. She would act herself but she needed to be sure everyone was used to their maximum.'' Kurao please maintain support and cause no large rubble to crush anyone. Kendo, Yamato I want each of you to focus on one side with the arms. Break them in the water if possible.''

If they were able to stop him quickly that would be great but sadly they needed manpower to block him off. Thankfully. This was by far the largest fighting team they had. Because anyone who caused damage to the island caused Damage to Alavo. And they had more than enough people that caused wide-scale destruction just walking. Izuku for example. He broke islands without even trying. Jordan even suggested they just drop a meteor on the island and be done with it.'' Mike you and I will damage the main body. Our goal is to get him out of the island.''

Robin had an idea. She had seen this before. People who controlled stuff. But the main body should be the same and should be in one area. She assumed it was the head. If they were able to let's say cut off the head and single the area out. Then They could go for an all-out attack and destroy the entire head and grab Alavo. That was the plan and with that order, everyone went into action. Yamato went to the east. The arm had not moved yet. Kendo went to the west. the Arm they had just destroyed. Kurao had prepped himself with a chair.

He did not need to stand for his powers and it gave him some flair. Hopefully, the large blue dot would act as a focus point for Alavo. Kurao would be assumed the person in order and be the one focused. He even talked to himself. He talked about food. wondering what would be tasty to eat. It made it seem like he was giving orders. Both Robin and Mike rushed to the main body. There were some thugs in their way.

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