A fight, or Slaughter

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'' We need everyone out of here, Now,'' Shanks told his group who nodded and began to escort all the students and heroes out of the way as Izuku stood between them and the villains, and Shanks was worried how it would end. 

Shanks knew Izuku would win, There was very little that could even scratch him now, But where the real pain from using this form came from, was that his Stamina would drain the second he would let the form go, and all injuries weren't healed, The move was a last resort, to be used in Dire situations. What Izuku was now doing, was his super move, Using all the beast powers and merging them into one singular monster, The ten Tails, Its force, Its special ability, those black balls, named Truthseeker orbs, a ball filled with Haki and the elements the 9 beasts used. In shanks knowledge, unbreakable.

'' We have to go back and help,'' Aizawa said with Shanks shaking his head,'' If we go back now we would be a hindrance for him, We will get you all toward a saver location, and then Beckmen and I will head toward the prince, We just have to get you all toward safety first.'' Beckmen nodded as they against their will moved away from the fight, Most wanted to head back and help, But Shanks knew that in that form, He might do more than attack the enemy.

'' Will he get in trouble for killing that villain,'' Nami asked worriedly for Izuku's safety. Shanks shook his head as Lucky roo spoke.'' These villains all attacked royalty, Which means the lethal force is allowed and they have done Multiple counts of that, Putting at least 5 royals in danger.'' Yeah okay, but who is she, She was with them but is helping us.'' Tokoyami said with Shanks nodding. She was sent undercover into an underground villain organization that was suspected to be behind the USJ incident.''

Back with Izuku----

'' Beg or Die,'' Izuku said as he pierced Twice in the legs with the truth seeker orbs. The group that was with the league of villains was confused, One of their members was just killed, his headless body still on the floor, as two others already gave in, and one couldn't run with one final being gone with the heroes. But those that lived under Shike didnt care. They grabbed their weapons.'' FOR OUR PRINCE, SHIKE.'' They screamed as they dashed forward to kill Izuku, But the Truthseeker orbs around Izuku went to his hand and changed into a staff.

With a single swing, The staff threw the large group away. Each surviving thanks to their skills in Haki. But as their backs were thrown against the trees from the force they got hurt, that and the force they felt on their arms, Even a blocked punch was painful.'' fighting back wasn't an option either, Beg or DIE'' Izuku said with a glare.

'' FUCK YOU AND YOUR RULES ASSHOLE, I AM GONNA BURN YOU ALIVE.'' Pyro wanted to dash forward but a purple portal opened up.'' leave with me now and survive.'' The portal started taking the others like twice and compress, ignoring those that already gave up.'' I CAN'T, HE HAS TO PAY.'' Fine I shall give you two Nomu and this.'' a tube came out the portal.'' From our new friends, A quirk enhancer,'' 

Pyro took the tube and smirked.'' YES, THIS WAY I CAN RIP HIS SMUG HEAD OFF.'' AFO didnt believes Pyro would win, But this would be a great way to gain some extra info on Midoriya. Two Nomu walked out the portal, Their skin a dark blue, both beast standing well over 3 meters each.'' Enjoy.'' AFO said as the portal closed leaving the field empty except a few.

Izuku just finished the last one of the old African regime, each broken and beaten, some missing limbs. Magna and Spinner still laying on the floor begging to live, and then Pyro and the two Nomu, Pyro looked at the injector and stuck it right in his neck. Nothing happened for a second before Pyro felt it, Burning Lava entered his body, a scream of pure pain left his lips as he fell to his knees. Pyro started throwing up blood.

Both Nomu stood still before AFO gave them an order.'' Kill Izuku Midoriya.'' Both Nomu roared as they shot forward to Izuku. Their hands pulled back as they punched Izuku. Who lifted his staff to block the attack, The wind pressure of the punch rocking the trees back slightly but not affecting Izuku. He pushed his hand back, Both Nomu flying back toward Pyro

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