Getting a daughter?

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Izuku was the first to wake up. As he woke up he felt a weight on his chest. He looked down and saw Nemuri still asleep on his chest. Her hair was a mess but she looked amazing to Izuku. He looked at his alarm clock and saw that it was near 10 in the morning. Nemuri still asleep rolled off his chest now spread eagle face down on the bed.

Izuku seeing his chance got out of bed to make some breakfast for the both of them but before he went he gave Nemuri a kiss on the forehead, and he made his way to the kitchen. Making both Nemuri and himself some eggs, Toast, bacon, and some tea.

As Izuku was making breakfast Nemuri woke up. at first, she was confused as she didn't see her room but it made sense rather quickly. She was in the bed of her boyfriend. She looked around but didn't see him, But she was able to smell food. She decided to stay in bed a little longer. as she sat up she grabbed the shirt she threw on the floor last night to cover up as her top was exposed. She also grabbed her phone and saw that she had over 45 text messages all from 1 person. Present Mic texted Nemuri more than 45 times wanting to know about her date and how it went. 

~Nem how was the date~ Nem responds I wanna know how the date went.~ Nemuri Kayama answer me this minute.~These messages went one like that. This was sent in a group chat that had Present Mic, Nemuri, and Aizawa. Aizawa and Mic were friends since high school with Nemuri becoming friends with both of them in the 3rd year of high school.

*BUZZ* Nemuri's phone rang again. Looking at the texter it was Mic again.~ I can see you read the messages Nemuri now speaks up~ Nemuri sighted and decided that her best friends do have the right to know how it went. ~Yeah, Yeah calm down I will tell you.~ It was a great date, and I enjoyed it extremely.~ She sends it and the second it was sent Mic was typing. ~ So are you a princess now.~ She could feel the smile Mic had on his face even thru the text.

She placed the phone and put it on silent. As she placed the phone down Izuku walked in wearing nothing but Pijama pants and he was carrying a plate filled with food. '' Good Morning,'' Izuku said to Nemuri with a smile on his face. as he got closer Nemuri kissed him on the lips. '' Morning Handsom'' They proceeded to eat breakfast in bed while sharing kisses.

after breakfast and some kisses and cuddles, Izuku got up. '' I am gonna take a shower then we can go out in the City for a while. Is that okay with you?'' He asked Nemuri '' No.'' She said confusing Izuku and making him rather worried but before he could say anything she spoke up again.'' We are gonna take a shower together, Then we can do that other stuff.'' Nemuri said as she got up and removed her shirt and walk into the shower room. Making Izuku just look at her in shock and excitement. '' You coming sweety.'' He heard Nemuri call out from the bathroom with Izuku removing his pants and hoping toward the bathroom himself.

After their long shower, they made their way toward the living room this time with Nemuri piggyback riding on Izuku.'' Why do you wanna go shopping?'' Nemuri asked with her head on Izuku's shoulder. '' To get some extra clothing, Maybe get something to eat. and of course to spend more time with you.'' He said as he kissed her cheek.

As they were now dressed with Izuku wearing jeans and a white shirt and Nemuri is some of Izuku's sweat pants and a t-shirt with the kanji for Shirt written on it. They got in the car and Izuku drove them first back to her place so she could get dressed in something nicer.

Izuku sat on the couch in Nemuri's house and looked around. He saw many pictures of her family or her friends. her house was a light mess something to be expected of a hero and a teacher. He also saw her design style and it looked great. It had a slightly modern feel to it. 

Nemuri walked out now wearing jeans herself some heels and a white blouse. Her hair was now done in a high ponytail. '' How do I look.'' She asked with Izuku giving 2 thumbs up. They went back into the car and drove toward the mall.  first, they walked into a couple of clothing shops getting some jeans for Izuku and a set-off T-shirt for him. He also got some clothing for Nemuri that if she ever wanted to sleepover she could wear her own clothing if they wanted to head out. She got a set of jean pants and some sweats for herself. as well as some shirts and extra bras and panties.

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