Part of A bigger plan?

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Izuku stepped away from the now crushed body of Hekiji. He looked over the rest wondering who would be first to move, Who would have to guts to fight him now. And while Izuku believed their resolves would have been crushed, They stood fast. Thinking their Nomu would help them survive.'' Oh, so you won't run Good, Because from me. There is no fleeing.'' Izuku pulled out a blade from behind him. The same sword that was given to him by Jordan. Well one of them. It was the dark purple blade. Enma.

'' Dipshit move,'' Setsuno said, Believing he now would have the upper hand. He used his quirk to steal the blade right out of Izuku's hand.'' Thanks for the steel, Will suuu ahhh.'' He fell to his knees as his arm slowly became thinner and thinner.'' wha-what the fuck is this blade.'' Setsuno screamed as he slowly started turning into the husk of his former self.'' That's the Blade. Only those that have the ability to tame the blade will survive. Those that don't, die.'' Izuku said just as the last of Setsuno's life energy was removed from him and the empty Husk that was him dropped on the floor.

''That's the group of friends done.'' Izuku said as he walked up to the still-on-floor Rappa.'' You aren't that bad. But I will have to do this.'' Just like that. Izuku used the Toge Toge no Mi ( Spike-Spike fruit) to turn his pointer finger into a long spike that quickly pierced Rappa's head and put him out of his misery.'' Normally I wouldn't go out of my way to kill you all. Half of you are braindead followers of the two half-men.'' Izuku said making a height joke to Mimic and a comment about Chronostasis missing his top half.

'' But you had to grab my daughter. Now I have to make an example out of all of you, That she is very much off limits. She is a no-go.'' Izuku said as he kept walking toward them. But each step he took, They took aswell, To the other side.'' BOSS KILL HIM, KILL HIM NOW.'' Mimic screamed. The Nomu was the strongest out of all of them. If anyone could fight this monster it would be Overhaul. And he did. He moved so fast it could be seen as teleportation.

He was at Izuku. Hand stretched out. Planning to most likely used Overhaul's own quirk and combine himself with Izuku. Become the absolute power. But he stopped. Just before he reached Izuku he stopped and turned around.'' WHAT. WHAT ARE YOU DOING, KILL HIM, I ORDER YOU TO.'' More words weren't spoken, as Izuku flexed his ring finger and the Nomu dashed once more. Now over to Mimic and he crushed him. His small body turned into a thin Pancake. Just like that. The group that nearly took over UA. Was now being picked off one by one. Only three remained alive.

'' Now like I said before, I need to kill you. But I can make it quick, If you tell me, where the hideout of AFO is. He created the Nomu. So tell me.'' The three remaining stood in fear. Unable to move. Nothing they tried seemed to work. Their ace in the hole. Overhaul was now doing his enemy's bidding.'' NEVER.'' Katsukame screamed. as he ran to the Nomu. He was going to give himself a big boost. He bearhugged the Nomu tightly, Holding its arms stuck before taking a massive breath in. Activating his quirk Energy suck

This not only boosted his Stamina but also allowed him to grow in size and power. And with the power of the Nomu. This was a big boost.'' NOW EVEN ALL MIGHT WON'T STOP ME.'' Izuku just gave a sigh. ''What's with you all thinking All Might is at the top of power? Yes, he is strong, But in the grand scheme of things, He is but a footstool to true power.'' Izuku said as his hand began to drip magma as he actived the Magu Magu no mi( Magma-Magma fruit).'' This is true power. MEIGO'' 

Izuku's hand turned into magma as he lashed out at Rikiya. The claw form of the magma hand pieced Rikiya's stomach and shot out the other side, But by the grace of god. Rikiya was still breathing and standing.'' T-THATS ALL YOU HAVE.'' Rikiya said with the fleeting parts of the energy he had. The only reason he was still alive was that he had sucked the energy of the Nomu. But Izuku smirked.'' Fine RYUSEI KAZAN.'' Izuku raised both fists and they started firing off. Fist after fist of pure magma fired off like a machine gun. each piercing and exciting Rikiya and creating a new see thru hole.

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