The other class.

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I want to tell you something and ask something. It's for the harem of Izuku. Do you want any other woman to be added to the harem of Izuku. There will be some girls I won't add. The first requirement is that I know them. I cant add someone that I have no idea about. The second is that some I just won't add because I don't want to or they are already used for something else. So far the woman I won't add is Boa Hancock, Elisabeth, Diane, Merlin, and Gelda. ( Seven deadly sins) I promised those women to my buddy as he is going to be in the story. He won't be permanent. I will just say he is going to be the prince of America. I won't add too many to Izuku's harem and they most likely won't be shown that often. They would be Pro heroes. But they would interact with Izuku during missions or weekends and such. Give your ideas.

As Izuku arrived at the dorm there were more people than he had originally thought off. It was most of class B and Shinso. Most of them were speaking to the members of 1A except some Like Shinso who just stayed quiet and alone.

Izuku got closer and gave them all a wave. Shinso and the students from 1b stood straight and a bit more presentable. Eri also ran past the people toward her father and hug him. '' Papa can we go play?'' Hold on sweety let's get to know these people first okay.'' Eri nodded.

''You're all from 1B correct.'' Yes sir.'' 1B spoke '' But what is Shinso doing here. Just a coincidence or?'' No, I am going to join 1B after the internships.'' Shinso spoke with then Kendo explaining. '' Monoma has been expelled. Apparently, he complained to Vlad king about something involving class 1A. It was apparently not acceptable and Vlad decided that since the beginning of the school year Monoma actions had been less than Heroic or even Civil.'' Izuku nodded at this.  

Izuku didn't have superhearing, but he did have Haki and with that, he could read emotions, Not well enough for him to read every one but someone like monoma was easy enough. His emotions were mostly rage and Jealousy, Some envy, and some pride. Izuku gathered that Monoma had been offended by his placement in 1B and that his spotlight was taken away. It might be because of quirk praise as a child Because having the ability to copy any quirk is rather something. 

'' I see, Not to be rude by why are you all here?'' We wanted to properly introduce ourselves, your highness.'' Shishida spoke.'' The title stuff really isn't necessary, I am just a hero in training.'' Izuku said defeatedly. '' I didn't come to introduce myself. I wanted to take you up on your request for training.'' Cool, But you should try and first bulk up a little Before I could start teaching you how to fight. You're kinda scrawny.'' Shinso accepted that. 

When Vlad King and Eresarhead came to him to ask if he was okay with being transferred to Heroics they also wanted to awnsers. Why didn't you focus on strength training in any way? Shino didn't have an answer, except he didn't think about it. His quirk was praised but negatively. Like, Wow that quirk would be perfect for a supervillain, Man you could take over the world with that. That was never what he wanted. But he believed that it might be enough to become a hero. But with 1B he had a workout plan, He had a Diet plan, he was going to start his journey right.

'' Uhm, Midoriya sir. How should we address you if you do not want us to use your proper titles.'' Awase asked a little apprehensive. '' Well just Midoriya is fine. And it's not so much that I don't want you to use the proper titles. It more than I think those titles are rather stupid. I know it's proper form to use it but seeing as we're all friends here I say lets not right.'' 1B felt a level of pride being called the Prince his friend and nodded at the words. 

Ibara walked forward and asked if she could speak to the prince in private. They walked a little ways away from the group.

Ibara performed a Curtsy ( A high-class bow females use to introduce themselves, Or that was what I read) '' My name is Ibara Shiosaki, I wish to show my gratitude for your kind words on Religion sir.'' This piqued Izuku's curiosity a bit.'' Religion? What do you mean?'' You sir spoke about religion during an interview several years ago. It was during an outbreak of violent acts and heated debates. Your words caused that to stop and it allowed me to freely follow my beliefs and I stopped being ridiculed for them. and for that, I am eternally grateful.'' Can I ask what religion you follow?'' I follow the word of the Bible sir.'' I see Christianity. I have read a little of the bible but I am not fully aware of its teachings, Perhaps you wouldn't mind informing me about them some other time.'' He asked. Ibara blushed.'' I would be honored to sir.'' There is no need for the sir part, Just call me Midoriya or Izuku whatever you prefer.'' The 2 went back to the larger group and they spoke a little about themselves.

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