Training and more powers

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I dont own any of the pictures used in this chapter or this fanfic.

As Izuku and Todoroki came back to the larger group Todoroki went to his group of friends and started stretching so they could start the real training. Izuku started stretching as well and even helped some of the others with their stretches.

As Izuku did some basic stretches with Eri trying them as well he noticed the girls. Most of them were trying to loosen up, But some did it whilst giving a little show for Izuku. Izuku might not have many skills with women but Izuku knew when people were interested in him. He was thought how to read people from an early age. 

It was obvious for Izuku to see who was into him, but he just doesn't act on it most of the time for not wanting to force anyone into anything. Izuku figured Ochaco and Mina had feelings for him around the USJ, He just didn't act on his feelings for them because he wanted it to be their choice. He did not want them to feel forced into the relationship.

And now with this Izuku knew from Nemuri and the actions that the Pro heroines that wanted to train with them at least had a crush on Izuku. He was also pretty sure that nearly all the girls from 1a had feelings for him. well, he wasn't sure about Robin as was rather hard to read but Nemuri told him that she did have feelings for him.

Izuku and the others were done stretching and got done with a warm-up so that they could start training for the six powers. Izuku was going to teach them all at the same time all the same powers. First up was Geppo or Moonwalk. Aizawa assumed it was going to be a heavy leg workout to improve the muscles so they could move faster but as Izuku informed them Thechniqeu trumps power in the case. Sure a certain level of power was needed but even if you had enough power to use it was useless without the technique.

Izuku showed them the correct jumping technique. He did it as slow as possible and as many times as needed. Aizawa knew how to do it he was just sloppy with it. Yu and Nemuri competed with each other and needed far more help than the rest but it was clear they just liked being that close to Izuku. Speaking of Izuku he teased Yu and Nemuri at every chance he got.

After around 45 minutes of pure training, they were done. They sat down with everyone being far too tired to move around at the moment. Izuku who hadn't really trained was doing a workout on his own as everyone took a break. Izuku was doing handstand pushups at the request of Nemuri and Mina.

Then they saw the mark on Izuku's stomach. With Kirishima asking about it.'' Yo Mibrodiya what is that on your abs man.'' Izuku who was still doing push-ups spoke as if he was doing nothing. ''It's a part of my powers. It holds the 9 beasts of the sea devil. That is where they are sealed and that is what I use to summon them.'' So you are even stronger than we thought before.'' Sero said with some nodding their head.'' Well, Sort of. Well, I can use them to increase my power they don't make ME stronger.''

Izuku then stopped doing push-ups and sat down With Eri giving him something to drink.'' It's sort of like dark shadow only they are not stuck to me.'' Rumi then spoke up as was still there mainly to speak with her friends. '' So what is your power and their. I know you said Sea devil but what really is that.''

'' Well, the Seadevil was a story that people told their children about. Long ago during a time where the world was overrun by water their was a pirate. This pirate wasn't like any pirate before. This pirate went by the name JoyBoy and during his time he defeated many gods that ruled the world. These gods hated Joyboy and they decided to curse him. They gave him the power of all the previous gods but it would cost him his piracy life. The sea would hate and despise him. If he would come in contact with the sea it would suck the power out of him and weaken him. Joyboy not wanting to be removed from his passion still went up and traveled the seas. During his travel, he came across 9 beasts that he defeated and swore loyalty to him. On his final trip Joyboy attacked the gods that gave him the powers again but this time he died. with the 9 beasts dying next to their master at the battlefield. His actions that day created the world we live in now.'' Izuku told them with most of them already knowing the story.

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