Royal date, Momo & Kyoka

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 It was the next day, and Izuku's date with Momo would take place. Grabbing his phone he made sure all the preparations were in place. The first was a call to one of the teleportation users. While Minato was one of the elite due to his combat ability with said teleportation and preparation that had been done with placing one of his required markers nearly everywhere in the world. The person Izuku asked for help, with was sort of his student. If he had been somewhere, he could have opened a portal toward the location.

Which before meant, that man had to travel the world. And he had nearly reached each city in the world. Izuku decided to call him.'' Hello, Prince, How was your sleep,'' The man spoke softly, due to the early time and with respect.'' It's alright Fin, I slept fine, Just want to confirm our time and place.'' The man hummed.'' Yes, sir, I will walk inside UA. There I will wait for you. I then open a spatial rift Toward the Wuyi Mountains, Where you and your date will spend a wonderful day, sipping tea, and such, And I will open a rift once more when you give me the signal which will be a text.''

'' Yes, That it is, Thank you Fin, And see you soon.'' Izuku hung the phone up as he got out of his chair, and he started doing his morning stretches. A limber body makes a limber mind, His teacher drilled that lesson into him for sure. But he enjoyed it now, It cleared his mind, Made life simpler. And being alone, allowed his absolute silence. Tho he did miss the white noise machine that would be Nemuri's snores. But he got done quickly enough, and put the clothing he set aside on, Simple yet comfy.

'' Izuku, I hope I am not too early.'' He heard from outside of his door. He opened the door.'' Hello Momo.'' He smiled. Sees his girlfriend wearing a Chinese-style, sun dress. Lime green with beautiful symbols spread across.'' You look stunning Momo, Absolutely stunning.'' Momo blushed, Pushing her hair behind her ear.'' R-Really, Don't you think this might be too much.'' No, you are perfect,.'' He offert his hand.'' Shall we sit in the garden for a bit? Our ride should be here soon.'' Momo took his hand. Grabbing his arm and linking with it.

They walked into the garden, It was already a beautiful sight. Well taken care of, By mostly Nemuri. She got help from Nami.'' I wonder how it will look. I have never been able to go, The prices were doable, High but doable, But it's more the location,'' Izuku nodded, Well with me that won't ever be a problem. Teleportation has its upsides.'' Izuku said as he saw Fin walking up, Hair neatly combed back. A three-piece butler suit. And a friendly smile, '' Prince, Princess, Your ride awaits.'' He said pointing his hand out and stretching his fingers wide, allowing a portal. One that looked like a night sky opening up.

'' Thank you fin, I will give you a text when we need a pickup.'' Fin gave a single bow before both stepped thru the portal, which landed them right on the starting point of the hike.'' Oh my.'' Momo gasped. The sun was still on the horizon due to the early hour.'' It's Beautiful.'' The sky gave a light of orange, with light blue, an absolutely beautiful yellow sun. It was more beautiful than any painting or picture could ever justify.

The vibrant green, of the leaves and grass, paired with the magnitude of other bright and colorful flowers. It made the hour walk, almost like a dream. The flowers smelled wonderful, But as they reached the halfway point they could already softly smell them. The pure orchestra of the smell of tea leaves. It was a new experience for their senses.'' Oh, The master is at work.'' Izuku said having been here before, he knew this scent.'' I know I shouldn't, But if I am honest, I would like to sprint hehe.'' Izuku gave a full belly laugh.'' And you, not the only one, But you might be the prettiest.

Izuku just smiled more as Momo turned red. They kept walking and soon enough they reached their desired location. A man with a big belly. A simple, green, and yellow Chinese outfit with a light yellow apron.'' Young prince. Welcome back.'' Hello master Sunwoo, It's a joy to be back..'' Izuku looked at Momo who was shocked. Her eyes and mouth wide.'' Oh, Sorry, Momo, this is Master Sunwoo, owner of the Wuyi tea shop. Master Sunwoo, This is one of my girlfriends, Named Momo Yaoyorozu.''

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