Normal life

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Izuku smiled softly as he woke up. The last couple of days he had just not set his alarm, had No school, and no real reason to wake up early. So he slept in. The large battle that had happened only a couple of days before had taken its toll on nearly everyone. Some students were just unable to get to sleep. Some had trouble staying awake. Each had their own reaction. But thankfully UA was aware and was trying its best to fix everything as best as it could.

Both Inko and Hisashi themselves also wanted to help. So with UA together they had contacted some well-respected Therapists that would work alongside Hound Dog to help the students come to terms with the stuff they had to do to survive. But the students themselves also threw themselves into the UA festival. 1A had started working on their song and dance routine. Izuku would act as a background help. Really not wanting to take the spotlight away. and it gave him a chance to relax and help Eri. He sat on the edge of his bed as he stretched his back. 

He smiled as he looked at the door toward Eri's room. A very cute drawing with the next. ''DO not desturp.'' Izuku had to chuckle at the failed attempt at writing disturb. But walking over to his closet He grabbed some extra shorts and a shirt. Along with his towel. He was just gonna shower before helping Eri. He did want to know how she was doing so he pressed his ear on the door. And he could hear it clearly. Nemuri clapped her hands in rhythm while saying'' and one and two and one and two.'' Along with soft music playing in the background.

He was sure it was extremely adorable. But as he moved down toward the common room. He started hearing them working on something aswell.'' NO YOU IDIOT, ITS STEP FORTH, LEG BACK, ARMS IN THE SKY, AND SPIN ONCE.'' Mina said roughly as the elevator doors open. She had been yelling to Kaminari who looked oh so confused.'' Wasn't that what I did?'' BUT NOT WITH ENOUGH FLAIR. YOU GOTTA SHOW THE WORLD.'' Mina screamed as she once again showed Kaminari how to do it. He wasn't alone as Izuku quickly noticed. Nami, Toru, Sero, and Ida were also doing the dance.

He tried sneaking passed them in order to not interrupt their progress. But as Kaminari went for the spin he noticed Izuku.'' Goo, ooh nope.'' Kaminari said as he waved, causing his spin to go off balance which knocked over the nearly robotic movements of Ida, Which ended in a domino effect.'' OH COME ON NOT AGAIN.'' Mina sighed before dropping to her knees in defeat.'' We will never get this dance routine down.'' Toru quickly headed over to Mina and patted her head.'' We still have like a couple of weeks.'' YES BUT THIS IS PART ONE AND YOU GUYS SUCK.'' 

Mina was then put into time-up by Ochaco. She along with Camie, and Aoyama, Kirishima had already perfected this stage and were now time out duty. Whenever someone got angry, bakugo for example. It was Ochaco's job to simply tap them and make them float to the ceiling where they would cool out. Kirishima and Aoyama were there to tease while Camie just laughed at the failed dancers. Then on the other side of the room, Just below where Bakugo was floated up to the ceiling his hands, feet and mouth stuck with Sero's tape, where Kyoka, Momo, Robin, and Tokoyami were. 

They were right now working on a song and who would play what part in it. So Izuku slipped in the shower. Before getting out 10 minutes later. Having spent most time just relaxing under the warm water. But it seemed that as Izuku stepped out all war had once again broken loose. Ida was doing the robot. He was being imitated by Sero and Kaminari. Mina was on the floor basically crying. with Toru trying to stop her laughter. Nami had run to the kitchen to hide. Ochaco had her head in a trashcan with Camie holding her hair out. 

Aoyama was checking himself out in the mirror as Kirishima was doing pushups. Bakugo was now on his feet screaming how they all suck so badly they should be legally banned from ever dancing. All while the songwriters had just kept doing.'' What the fuck.'' Izuku said mostly amazed at the ultimate clusterfuck that was in this room at the moment.'' IZUUUU PLEASE STOP THEM.'' Mina said from the floor, having completely given up teaching dance moves.'' Okay, let's see.'' Izuku placed his thumb and pointer finger in his mouth and loudly whistled stopping mostly everyone and making them look at him.

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