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The second the food rolled in, Mouths started watering. Lids covered it, But the smell was still roaming free and infiltrating everyone's noses.'' Thanks for delivering.'', The man just bowed in response before walking out.'' Now I am pretty sure, I got everyone's favorites. Do eat up,'' Everyone nearly jumped toward the carts but Ida stopped them and started giving everyone their plates. The plates were significantly filled but they quickly noticed that there was extra, even after Izuku got his food, there was like alot more extra food, '' why the extra food.'' Why not.'' Izuku said digging into a nice big Grilled Tomahawk steak himself.

'' OH MY GAWD THIS IS SOOOO GOOD'' Mina said as her eyes turned into stars.'' Yeah, I believe that is Okra and Shrimp Gumbo, I know you like Okra so if you check that table there should be some of my favorite Okra meal, Curried Okra Shoestring Fries. Really tasty.'' Mina instantly ran over to taste some of that. '' Those chefs are very skilled,'' Robin spoke as she snacked on some sandwiches, aswell as a very good cup of coffee. Nami nodded as she was enjoying roasted duck with Mican sauce.

'' Now that I think about it, It will work perfectly in with this gift.'' Izuku grabbed one and threw it to Sato who just got done eating.'' Oh for me,'' Ripping the paper and bawling it up neatly to his size, He saw it.'' Wha. a cookbook.'' Not just any, That book is created by The royal head chef, They are the NewKama 99 Vital recipe.'' What are those.'' Sero asked unsure with Sato knowing it.'' It was a rumor among chefs all over the world, 99 recipes that would strengthen the user by a combination of spices and foods. 

'' Yeah, And now those recipes are intrusted toward you. I wanted something else to gift you, But Kakashi Sensei said your quirk is more than meets the eye, Tho he did say that about alot of quirks from you guys.'' What.'' OOPS.''Izuku slammed his mouth closed not planning on telling that. Nami however shot to his side and grabbed his ear.'' Come on babe, You can tell us.'' Fine just please my ear.'' Haha, papa loses.'' Eri laughed from the side.'' But Kakashi sensei is somewhat of a quirk expert, Being my teacher and helping me with most of my powers.''

'' So he when he came by last time, Took notice most of you didnt reach full potential in your quirks,'' So tell us.'' Izuku shrugged.'' I don't know them. From the ones I know is Sato because the present, He said, That other spices might give other reactions, And a proper balance within them might give a good boost.'' Huh, how.'' Your uhm, side effect, The dumb mode, He says it's like that because of the large boost into one side.'' Oh, that is rather interesting. That would mean, that perhaps if sugar gives power, salt could give defense or speed.'' Yeah, that is what he told me at least.''

They wanted to know more and it got them to start thinking, Could the powers they had for 14 years have more instore for them, Could their power really have a new level they weren't thinking of, Would it be hard, Easy. Was it a new way to use it, Or a completely different style?'' Uhm, he would come by right.'' Yeah, I think he said after the holiday. Seeing we are going to have a holiday right now.'' Oh yeah, Our dates are finally.'' Izuku nodded finding it due time their dates would happen,

'' Todoroki this one is for you, It was a hard thing to find out what you liked, So I went with you to help you in your heroing.'' Izuku gave him a large box.'' Hmm.'' Shoto said opening the gift and the cardboard box.'' A board.'' Sort off, It's a skateboard with retractable wheels, A flame motor on the back allowing you to move at higher speeds without leaving a trail of ice behind.'' I see, I am very grateful for the gift.'' Shoto said with a smile and a bow.'' I am just not sure how to use it.'' No worries bro, I got you, I am a hardcore skater.'' Sero said with a smile showing he was willing to help

'' Here Ojiro, I hope you like it.'' The packet was soft.'' Haha, awesome.'' Ojiro said as he opened the packet, showing a set of shirts, be more exact Izuku's shirts that had their use written on them. As he grabbed the first one to get a better look a book fell out.'' Fishmen Karate for Beginners Vol 1.'' Wait.'' Ojiro grabbed the second shirt and again a book fell out, Only this time it was vol 2.'' Does that mean''

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