Coming back to UA.

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Izuku had just finished putting Nemuri into his car. It was still early in the morning so they would go toward Izuku's house stay they for breakfast. Alfred had made sure that a chef with a cooking quirk would be on duty. His quirk would make it possible for foods to give certain effects on people. Such as extra energy or making them tired. 

Izuku went and brought the wheelchair back into the hospital. When he came back to the car he saw that Nemuri was already playing music and messaging the people at UA. Recovery Girl had already made a space open for her aswell as set up some medical equipment to check her over.

They made their way over toward Izuku's house. As he had suspected Alfred stood outside with 2 other butlers. One had hair that was made out of colored glass. The other had hair that was fully just Nails. Izuku had known them as Garasu and Tsume. They had two wheelchairs with them which Nemuri found amusing.

As Izuku got out Tsume brought one of the wheelchairs toward him with Izuku quickly telling him it wasn't needed. Garasu went for Nemuri who tried getting out herself but Garasu had stopped her.'' Do not worry My Lady, You are still injured.'' He spoke with respect.'' Please allow me.'' He spoke again with Nemuri giving a nod. Garasu lifted her and placed her in the chair.

'' How is Eri doing Alfred.'' She is going just great. We did inform her about you Yesterday, We didn't say what happened but we did inform her that both of you received some injuries.'' Alfred told her remembering the very tired Eri marching around filling a backpack with clothing and bandages and told them she was going to help her momma Nem and papa. 

When she was told that her mom and dad would arrive tomorrow she decided to wait up all night until they arrived. It took 15 minutes before she was deep asleep hugging a plushie of Izuku and Nemuri. Alfred of course took around 100 pictures that would all be sent to The Queen and the Prince. When They entered the house Eri was waiting in a very cute outfit.

She stood waiting as she saw them she started getting tears in her eyes and ran toward them as fast her little legs could take her

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She stood waiting as she saw them she started getting tears in her eyes and ran toward them as fast her little legs could take her. She first went for Izuku seeing as he had more visible injuries. Izuku had a white T-shirt that said Fancy aswell as a set of sweat pants. He was still wearing a bandage over his right eye. While Nemuri had worse injuries all of them were hidden under her clothing.

'' PAPA, YOUR HURT,'' She cried out with Izuku just patting her head.'' Dont worry Unicorn. I am fine, It's just a scratch.'' He said as he lifted her and kissed her on the forehead.'' Did you know that Momma missed you a lot?'' Izuku said as Eri went with teary eyes and looked at Nemuri who had a soft smile and gave a nod. Eri quickly went with tears to her mother.

As she hugged her mother Nemuri winched at the pain. This scared Eri as much as it did Izuku and the people around them.'' I AM SORRY MOMMY. I DIDNT WANT TO HURT YOU.'' She cried as she backed off only to be hugged by Nemuri as tightly as she was able to with her hurt arms.'' You didn't hurt me, baby,'' As Nemuri was hugging Eri she was rolled into the dining area with Eri telling what she had been doing the whole week.

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