A gift

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It's a little earlier than normal but I am playing drunk siege with a friend on his twitch channel APH_Wolf, Hope you enjoy :)

The next morning 1A was sitting in the common room. Momo, Robin, and Ida were busy planning a study session. At the moment they were trying to get an empty classroom in order to better study. Izuku would normally join in but he was having the talk with the royal families. Ochaco and Mina were also going to join Nemuri, Eri, and Izuku during the talk.

'' Eh Midoriya I still have a question about yesterday.'' Sure what is it Kaminari?'' Izuku was still busy making his breakfast in the kitchen.'' That chick with the sniper for an arm who was that?'' Nemuri jumped up excited.'' Oh, I know this. That woman was Kiana Tsutsumi, Or Lady Nagant, She was a pro hero for a very short while. Before joining the Royal army and quickly rose up the ranks. She later joined the royal personal guard. And took up the role of Marksmanship teacher for Izuku,'' Yeah Izuku also has a massive crush on her it's super cute.'' Mina added on. They had asked last night so they knew a little.

'' I never said it was a massive crush, I just said that I might have liked her,'' Izuku called back as he moved his breakfast to the table. He had so much food not just for himself but also for Eri, Nemuri, Ochaco, and Mina. So he used the Hana Hana no Mi (Flower flower fruit) To create multiple arms.

After breakfast, the group that was going to study went ahead and went to class to prepare for the exam. '' Should we not go aswell?'' Ochaco asked with Izuku shaking his head from the seat.'' No, not yet, We should get picked up, Dont worry as much Ochaco, It really is nothing to be so nervous about.'' Izuku was calm but Ochaco was pacing around the room. She wasn't the only one, as each of the girls was rather nervous as they were about to spend a week in a room with royalty.

10 minutes later there was a knock on the door.'' This is us.'' Izuku said as he opened the door, Seeing Kiana waiting.'' Hello Prince.'' She had a smile on her face as Izuku hugged her.'' Come on Kiana don't act like that,'' Kiana just laughed '' Okay Izuku my apologies.'' She said with giggles. '' Eri sweety come, We have somewhere to go.'' Sure Papa, coming.'' Eri had a small bag with her. The bag was filled with toys and drawing supplies So that she could keep busy.

On their walk, The girls went to talk with Kiana.'' Tsutsumi, Could I ask you something.'' Of course lady Kayama and please call me Kiana.'' Sure but then call me Nemuri, But my question. I am aware of Izuku's crush on you,  and knowing Izuku you must have to be aware yourself correct.'' Kiana had to stop herself from laughing as she saw Izuku looking down using his hair to cover his face to now showing his blush. '' Uhm yes I am aware of the prince his feelings why do you ask?'' Well, Why not tell him your feelings, Even if you didn't have those types of feelings why still not tell him.''

'' Well I did share my feelings, But it seems that it might have slipped Izuku's mind, But you were sleepy that day, So I could be partly responsible for that.'' Wait you told me, '' Izuku popped back up. This made Everyone focus on Kiana for an answer even Eri.'' Yes, But I will say it again, I told you that I shared your feelings, But I will not be the first, You get yourself at least 5 girlfriends before I would act so you fully know the difference between the love of a parent or a friend and the love of a lover.'' 

'' So in two more ladies minimum, you would return Izuku's feelings.'' If he still feels the same then yes,'' Why not now, If you both feel the same.'' Dont worry Mina, Kiana is not one to back down from her words, So if she said that I can hold out.'' It's not like we are missing any ladies to fill those two spots.'' Nemuri joked known all too well that the girls were all basically waiting for their date to confess to Izuku, An deal they are sort of already regretting.

But with that, they made it to the room where the other royal families were waiting for them. And Jordan had a smile on his face.'' Finally you lazy bum, I got a surprise for you.'' What?'' Izuku asked confused as he didn't even greet anyone yet.'' Bring them in please.'' Jordan called out to his side of the room with the doors opening and a kart was pushed in. On top, there was something hidden by a white cloth.

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