Will a new champion be crowned?

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 Burgess looked at her for a second trying to remember who she could be, And then finally it came to him.'' You were that weak bunny I took this belt from right, WIIHAHAHAHAHA WIIHAHAHAHAHA, I NEVER EXPECTED A WEAKLING LIKE YOU TO SHOW UP WIIHAHAHAHA.'' Burgess remembered clearly. It was the first belt he got. He tried getting the other ones but they didnt seem to accept that thus he killed them all. It was the crime that got him into villainy to start. He remembered how she could only cause him to get a nosebleed.

Rumi growled in rage. She hated when people withered called her weak, or just assumed she was weak. She crouched down ever so Slightly. Her bright red eyes seemingly glow before she dashes forward. The ground she stood on gave in. Rumi's force caused the earth to dent and crack, making a large spiderweb from where she moved. Thanks to Rumi's quirk she was faster hopping than walking or running. But with each small jump the earth cracked below her again, causing tremors to be felt around the area before in a white flash Rumi was in front of Burgess.

She had just reached his head. now being slightly to her side. her left leg swinging around to her side. Her leg was perfectly extended and even hardened with Haki. It connected with Burgess's face. It snapped his head back slightly before the rest of the force got him off his feet and he rocketed back into buildings. Rumi used this move to gauge his durability to an extent. Normal people would be lucky to survive. Some with more advanced forms of durability normally still got hurt to an extent. it would be a good guide for both Mirio and All Might who were just back a little while waiting for their moment to strike.

It didnt take long after Burgess crashed through all the buildings and came to a stop. pushing off half a roof from his body before standing up. He was bleeding from his nose as it was clearly mangled and he was now missing a tooth.'' You grew stronger, Still, Barely a tickle compared to others I fought.'' Rumi cracked her knuckles.'' Shut up you big bitch. I don't care what you say, I am going to kill you, that was merely a greeting. Just get ready for the beating of a lifetime.'' Rumi said which was the signal both Mirio and All Might were waiting on.

All Might rushed forward. He went faster than the human eye could see, So fast he created an afterimage. It rushed at Burgess who couldn't even react. One moment he sees a blur a couple of hundred feet out, and the next thing he knows there is a heavy pressure in his gut. All Might had dashed forward and landed an uppercut in the mid rif of Burgess. Burgess was lifted off the ground. Which allowed both the others to attack. 

Rumi jumped up into the Sky. Using moonwalk to fly higher than would normally be allowed before rushing down at breakneck speeds. On her descent, she started to spin to gain more momentum. Mirio was sort of doing the same. Using his quirk Mirio phased through the floor and different walls. His years of training with his quirked showed the immense Skill he had as he was able to phase each part perfectly to gain the most momentum. Because while All Might's punches had everything. All Might was large and heavy. He was still fast, which meant each punch was putting alot of force out.

This was a mechanic thought at UA. Force= Mass times acceleration. The faster a heavy object goes, the more damage it can do. Both Rumi and Mirio lacked mass compared to All Might. While Mirio was still a bulky dude. He was skinny compared to All Might. Rumi even more. But both had speed on their side. They were building up their momentum. Just as Burgess was coming down. Both forced acted. Rumi with her spinning downward heel kick. and Mirio with a simple uppercut. Both connected at the same point Burgess his chest. It was the largest place to hit and thus the hardest place to miss.

Now Burgess was tough. He was still awake even after All Might attacked him, a feat not that many villains shared. Thus Burgess felt the impact both Rumi and Mirio made on him. Rumi's punch perfectly landed straight down the middle. Right on his spin. The pain rushed through his entire body. Mirio landed right on the side of his ribs. It was a strong right uppercut hook-type punch that allowed Mirio the most force. And Burgess felt stuff crack. He felt the air being forced out of his body. 

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