Demon vs Demonbeast

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Izuku jumped back as darkness bursted out of the ground.'' Come on let's finish this. You don't need to drag this out for much longer right.'' Izuku said calmly. He knew no matter what Teach tried it would be done in mere moments.'' JUST WAIT YOU FUCKER. WE WILL DESTROY YOU.'' Izuku looked confused but his shirt broke apart. and quickly visible on his shoulders two new heads sprouted. Each one looked like Teach but slightly different. On his left side. the head looked shy and timid. He looked down and wasn't enjoying the situation. almost scared.

Then the overconfident. filled with pride and rage One that believed they could take over the entire world without so much as breaking a sweat. they were the gods of the world. And one that seemed to look over the entire battlefield and take it into consideration. One that did not fight without carefully taking everything into account.'' TAKE A LOOK AT MY MOST HIDDEN POWER. MY MAIN QUIRK. CERBERUS. THE DEMON DOG THAT SAFEGUARDS THE GATES OF HELL. THEN WITH MY RIGHT. THE POWER OF DARKNESS. ABLE TO CONSUME EVERYTHING, STOP QUIRKS AND MUCH MORE. AND WITH MY LEFT. THE POWER OF QUAKES. ABLE TO DESTROY THE ENTIRE WORLD. WITH. YOU. IN. IT.''

Izuku started laughing as Teach's face turned into almost a dog-like version of himself.'' Haha, you look dumb dude.'' Izuku laughed. He was kind of stalling for time. Not because this fight was scary. But because Izuku wanted to figure out more about this darkness quirk. It seemed only his quirk stopped. So perhaps it was a range ability. Maybe it was a selective ability. But Izuku wanted to see how long that would last. Would his quirk come back in 10 minutes or perhaps Izuku would need to defeat Teach? He would learn all about it.

'' ZEHAHAHAHA FEEL MY MIGH.'' Izuku jumped forward. On Teach within a mile second. His fist was under the middle man's chin. A simple mix of Shave and just simple martial arts. As Izuku's fist collided with the head of Teach his vision went to the sky. Knocked out for sure. But then he felt it. Almost like an earthquake happened right in the side of his ribs. Izuku was shot away. The right side of his ribs was hurt. He looked back at Teach, '' damn.''

Izuku grunted annoyed. He was fighting three people so three had to get knocked out. But each controlled the body They kept moving even if the so-called main head was defeated.'' Dont like that ey. Should have noted that before you foolishly attacked.'' can we finish this quickly? we are surrounded by scary heroes'' you just wake up teach. I will do the rest Marshell.'' Wait does that make you D.'' Izuku said with his confident face coming back. The smart unnamed Teach smirked.'' Call me Blackbeard. I am the smart one.'' Izuku laughed again.

'' With the other two the bar isn't really that high is it? Now then. let's just fight and get this over.'' Izuku noted that Teach woke up aswell. so it was three on one again.'' DAMN YOU BRAT, IF I GET MY HANDS ON YOU I WILL RIP YOU APART. MARSHALL USE BLACKHOLE NOW.'' O-okey.'' The right arm turned pitch black as Izuku felt himself being pulled forward.'' NOW.'' Izuku smirked as he jumped forward again. Only for Teach to jump out of the way. and the left hand to slam the earthquake into him again. This time breaking his ribs for sure.'' OKAY, THAT IS GETTING ON MY NERV. YOU WANTED HANDS LETS GET HANDS. FUCK STUDYING YOUR DUMBASS BEHAVIOR.'' Izuku said super annoyed.

Izuku jumped forward this time. He was zooming for Teach. He was playing around and figuring out what the hell Teach could do. It was just for the prison to have an easier time containing him. But right now. Izuku had his ribs broken. That shit hurt alot. And now he was going to have to explain these injuries to his loved ones. Eri was totally gonna be sad. That was Teach his fault so kicking his ass was only fair. He was on Teach Quick. and this time on his own terms. Izuku's fist collided with his gut. Teach was lifted off his feet as Izuku's fist was buried deep in his gut.'' THATS HOW YOU BREAK RIBS YOU BITCH.'' Izuku moved his other fist aswell. this time in the face of the sky and scared one. 

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