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The new week started and the internships began. Izuku had kissed Ochaco and Mina good luck and promised they would go on a date after the internships. Most of 1A went by the train station, Some took the bus as it was faster. Izuku on the other hand drove himself, With Nemuri and Eri.

He had his costume on the trunk and had packed a week's worth of clothing. Eri wasn't going to stay with them for the week. They would parol often so Izuku decided to let Eri stay with Alfred and Jin. He thought Eri wasn't ready to stay with strangers for an entire week. And seeing as she already knows Alfred and Jin it would be better for her.

Seeing Izuku and Nemuri would be a little early decided to take a small breakfast break. Eri was hungry herself so it would fit perfectly. Izuku had a simple grilled cheese with some green tea, Nemuri had a fruit salad. Eri had apple slices and some apple juice. Izuku had messaged Alfred that he would bring over Eri in about 10 minutes. Alfred informed that everything was already set up for the Princess. 

As they arrived at the mansion Izuku had already expected this. In front of them were a large number of maids and butlers. As Izuku and Nemuri drove up Alfred moved up. The car came to a stop and Alfred open the door for Eri. '' Good Morning Princess.'' he greeted the young lady who didn't know how to react. She had met all the help before once and knew she was not a princess but this was still strange.

Eri's clothing was taken inside as well as the girl herself. She said goodbye to her parents. She was scared to be left alone for an entire week but she knows that nothing bad would or could happen at the mansion and under the guard of Alfred and Jin. Izuku of course also had brought the Teddy with  Eri, But they would not be needed. Jin and Alfred were extremely good fighters, but the maids and butlers could also fight better than the average person. But that wasn't all. The senior ranking maids and butlers all had a watch that could send out a signal to a group of security. One of them had a quirk to be teleported toward places they had marked before.

The group was made up of strong fighters. They all could be placed into the top 20 heroes, and the group leaders would without a doubt be top 5. Izuku had told Eri that they would with the touch of the button be there and protect her with their lives. Izuku promised to call Eri each night around 8 and then Izuku and Nemuri drove toward Nemuri's agency called Midnight's Dungeon ( Made the name up myself.)

Izuku parked the car and grabbed both their suitcases. He liked how the building looked. It was a somewhat taller building than the rest. The name of the building was on top of the door with a set of handcuffs and a whip. '' How should I address you when we start working nem?'' Izuku asked wanting to be as provisional as possible. '' Mistress, Midnight or Mistress Midnight dear.''

They entered the agency and they first didn't see Izuku and only saw Nemuri.'' Mistress Midnight, Welcome back.'' The secretary said with a bow to greet Nemuri. She lifted her head and saw it was the prince. Her eyes went wide with shock and fear. '' My apologies, sir, I had no idea you were here.'' Dont worry miss. I am here as an intern, I hope we can get along.'' Izuku said with a smile. '' Riza Do we have open cases?'' Nemuri asked her secretary.

Riza checked the computer to see what was open.'' No mam. So far all of them are closed.'' Where are the boys.'' They should get here in 30 minutes mam.'' Nemuri nodded '' Good, Come on Izuku let's get you set up.'' Izuku followed and looked around. The agency was very neat. It had a set of 8 desks set up in a neat set up. Then was a large double door. As they entered it was Midnight's office.

In her office was a second desk empty. '' For you. This way I can personally help you during the day.'' She said with a smile. Izuku set up his desk with just a laptop and some writing tools. 

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