Class reaction, and what?

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Shortly after Ochaco, Mina, Nemuri, and Eri went away with The Royal family which they were now apart which was a little strange, Aizawa came to pick them up. Much to the amusement of 1A Aizawa had cleaned himself up. His hair was combed and out of his face, He had shaven and he stood up straight. He still wore his hero Outfit, But it still had a nicer vibe.

'' Move it, We don't want to be late,'' Aizawa said still his old tired self came out in his voice as 1A started making their way to the arena. Halfway they met up with 1B who all were rather nervous, Unlike 1A they didn't see royalty daily, So while still was already nerve-racking for 1A it was nearly double so for 1B.

Aizawa and Vlad King moved them to an area where they went to sit, As they looked around they were kind of shocked at the number of people that they didn't know, Well at least most didn't know.'' Who are all those other people, Never seen them before.'' Kaminari asked with Momo speaking up,'' Those are leaders of different countries,'' Hold up, Isn't that like Izuku?'' Toru asked, She was never one of politics, 

'' Well its might be easier if you look at it as a business, So image Izuku being the CEO of the entire thing, Country leaders could be seen as branch managers, They are bosses of a part.'' Oh, like minibosses before you fight the main boss.'' Setsuna said also unsure '' Uhm yes, I at least think so.'' Momo said not sure as she has not played such games.

They then saw Shike enter the arena'' Fuck dude, That asshole looks tough.'' Bakugo doesn't talk about the prince of Afrika and Europe like that.'' Ida said not wanting his classmate to receive punishment because of his words.'' You didnt disagree tho.'' Sero said much like most at UA they agreed with Bakugo on this point.

Somewhere at the back, the heroes were standing very nervous. Ryuko, Rumi, Emi, and Yu were all together scared to death at the possibility of what would happen if Izuku were to lose, They had heard bad things about Shike and so far all the rumors were looking to be True, But he also clearly was able to back up his bad talk.

'' Look, Mibrodiya looks way tougher tho, He is going to win this,'' Kirishima said hopefully that Izuku would win this, He was still very nervous about the entire thing however, It had a real fight to the death vibe and he didnt want his buddy to die, 

They yelled in fear when Kakashi jumped into their area. They weren't expecting that.'' Sorry about that, Miss calculated that.'' Kakashi said looking at the fight that was just beginning between Izuku and Shike.'' Uhm Sir, Do you think Midoriya will be fine.'' Nami asked.'' Do not worry young lady, Even if the prince would be losing this fight, Many much like myself will put ourselves in between them and will protect the prince with our lives.'' Kakashi was 100% serious and both first years of hero classes knew he was speaking the truth

Kakashi almost jumped in as Shike seemed to slash Izuku while the girls and his friends called out to him in worry, They believed for a small second that Izuku lost the fight, But when he turned around he was fine, They all let loose a breath of air they didnt know they were holding. Thankfully Izuku was still alive

another yell of shock and fear was heard when Izuku punched Shike into a wall and the entire wall cracked, The only time they had ever seen so much force was revolving All Might, So seeing this from their normally chill classmate was an absolute shock, The people that fought against him in a sparring match were really glad that Izuku held back against them.

Hisashi and some of the more advanced users of Haki started wide-eyed at Izuku  as he started to use Ryuu, which is an advanced version of Armament Haki, Were instead of coating their hands in haki they let it flow over it, and let it flow in the things they want to attack, But at the punch to them it was clear Izuku still didnt have full control over it as the coating didnt go into Shike, But it was still an impressive sight for someone that had not been thought anything yet

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