Defeating what you cant see, Believe it.

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Izuku stepped out of the small crater he landed in. Dusting off his clothing he overall looked fine. Taking a moment to look around he noticed he landed right in the middle of a fight. Shiryu of the rain stood in front of  Kyoka with Camie and Toru slightly in front and Tamaki and Kamakiri going to attack. That's when Izuku saw. Kyoka was bleeding. Shiryu sliced his blade around, forcing Tamaki and Kamakiri to jump back. His skill in the blade is far too dangerous to randomly block without prep.

'' Who did this.'' Izuku spoke as Shiryu lifted his bloodied blade up.'' The pleasure was mine, Oh how wonderful it was to pierce my blade in the soft supple flesh of that woman. I will try the others out soon enough.'' Everyone, Get Kyoka to Recovery Girl. I will handle this idiot quickly before fighting Teach.'' Izuku was not about to ask them to do something, This was an order. While Izuku was more than aware that they needed more growth. Shiryu was too much of an underhanded fighter.'' You know, Before I came here, I had a talk with someone you might know. He is a warden who is pretty strong.''

Izuku said in a calm tone as he kept walking toward the calm Shiryu. He clutched his blade stronger, annoyed to hear about that man again.'' He told me, you are a pussy. You're a backstabbing little bitch that couldn't win a fair fight in millions of years. you prayed on the weak, But now. Try and do it with me. I will make you see just how pathetic you are.'' KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT BOY.'' Shiryu screamed before vanishing from Izuku's sight. He turned invisible. Izuku just sighed. He really believed this would work against him. Kyoka had no trouble spotting Shiryu. Izuku's observation Haki was far greater than hers.

Shiryu gripped his blade and with a horizontal strike tried taking his head off. Izuku simply lifted up one finger, coated in Haki to stop the blade perfectly.'' Try and hide yourself better.'' Izuku said before kicking Shiryu in the stomach. Izuku's leg moved quickly before planting itself deeply in his guts. Shiryu was kicked back. His sword leaving his hands and clanking nearby.'' Now then. Let's see if you like getting bullied as much as you like bullying.'' Izuku spoke sinisterly as he stood above Shiryu.

Izuku used the Rokushiki technique Shigan. Finger pistol. Izuku stabbed his pointer finger deep into Shiryu's shoulder. poking right at his rotator cuff, stabbing thru muscle. Shiryu groaned in pain as he clutched his arm.'' Oh did that hurt?'' Izuku asked before giving a gasp.'' Oh, I am sorry, but I think you stabbed Kyoka's other arm. Let's fix that.'' Izuku used the Shigan again stabbing Shiryu again through the shoulder, Only now with more force, breaking through the bone and popping out through the back. '' Now to fix your face,'' Izuku said closing his fist and bringing it down hard onto Shiryu

It took not even a minute. But Shiryu's face was completely reformed. A drastic improvement.'' Now to face Teach. I might get him annoyed if I use this idiot. Let's see.'' Izuku grabbed Shiryu's hat and wiped Shiryu's face with it, covering it in blood.'' Nezu pickup here.'' Izuku called out through his coms. A one-way communications device. He didnt need to hear Nezu's plans or constant talking. If there was something important Shino would inform him. Then with Geppo, he went right back to dealing with Blackbeard, who while being strong lacked the strength to compare to the powerhouses like Kaido and Big Mom.


'' Dammit, fucking shit why the hell am I teamed up with you. I can handle the dumb bitch on my own.'' Bakugo cussed as he jogged through the area. He was teamed up with Setsuna against Catarina Devon. '' Hey, weird to meet you guys here, help me find the big boss,'' Izuku spoke as he walked out from a corner. a large smile from ear to ear. Bakugo just jumped forward. Using his own skill in Geppo to move quicker, Being in front of Izuku in a second.

Before slamming his gauntlet in his face and letting off a massive explosion. Izuku was rocketed back. Landing rough against a house that quickly collapsed.'' What the hell was that for Bakugo? I am your classmate, and the next prince of the world, you can't just attack me.'' Izuku called out annoyed and visibly harmed. '' HAHAHAHAHA STOP WITH THE ACT DIPSHIT. WE KNOW YOU AINT THAT FUCKER.'' Bakugo called out as Setsuna regrew next to him.'' Jup. Izuku wouldn't call him Bakugo but step-son. haha.'' Setsuna joked loudly at Bakugo's expense.'' JUST BECAUSE HE IS DATING MY MOM DOESNT MAKE HIM MY GOD DAMN STEP DAD GOT IT.''

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