First day back

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 '' Welcome back students, I hope each of your vacations was as enjoyable as mine,'' Aizawa said weirdly friendly and happy. So much so that Momo asked him.'' Uhm Sir what did you do.'' Aizawa looked at her with a smirk.'' I didnt have to deal with anything, I even got a solid 8 hours of sleep for an entire week.'' Izuku laughed finding it extremely enjoyable.'' But that is over and school is back, and from what Nezu told me, We will be training with some powerful people, But that will be after Lunch,''

Aizawa dropped to the floor in his sleeping bag to nap before they including Himself had to be trained, He didnt have a problem with it, He was okay with getting stronger, Mostly to see if he was able to master the Six powers.'' So what did you do Izuku after your date with Kaina.'' Mina asked Izuku as she went to sit on his desk. Izuku just shrugged, He hadn't done alot, He just slept alot and watched TV.''I caught up on some TV shows, Also tried talking with teachers to get some info from them.''

'' And?'' The group of students around him asked with Izuku shaking his head.'' Nope, They said nothing, absolutely nothing, So just be worried for what is to come.'' Izuku told them as they started talking about what they had been doing during the vacation.'' Yeah, I came in 6th, But these fuckers were crazy-ass martial artists, Like the winner had this fucking axe with him, He was called Sentimiri or some shit like that.'' Bakugo said with a smirk as they walked toward the training area. As they arrived they saw a large group of adults waiting for them a couple they were able to recognize.

'' Ah, you showed up.'' Rayleigh said with a smile as walked toward the group.'' Now we just need the second group to show up so that we can start.'' Rayleigh said before 1B just showed up.'' I hope we aren't late.'' Vlad King said as 1B followed behind him. The girl Izuku dated quickly ran up to him and started hugging his arms.'' Good, now I hope you know who is who for most of us, But I will go over it shortly. I am Rayleigh, I will be mainly focused on training the women who are dating Izuku.''

'' Those that require skill in close combat will be going with Izumi Curtis.'' She walked up and cracked his knuckles.'' I am going to beat the skill into you.'' She said scaring most of the students to a slight degree.'' Then those that just need their skills in quirks, Those will be trained By Kakashi.'' They gave them a wave as he just read the same dirty book he was reading before they showed up. '' None of you, use weapons right.'' Kamakiri raised his hands.'' I kinda do sir, My quirk creates blades that I use.''

'' Just train with Izumi, as that fighting type of fighting most likely won't work that well.'' Rayleigh told him as he grabbed a list from his pocket.'' Now The ladies know where to go, Bakugo you also have earned that right so do you want to train Haki or not.'' Fuck no, I dont need that to kick his ass.'' Bakugo stated cockily, believing he could surpass Izuku with just quirks and six powers.'' Then Those that have quirks that dont really do much for them, Move with Izumi.'' Said woman had started walking away from the group

Kakashi did the same but they quickly noticed there was one more member, It was Shanks.'' Now then Prince, I will be in charge of training you and the teachers, So follow me toward an area with a bit more freedom. Rayleigh had moved with the girls into a larger warehouse.'' Now, ladies, We have already learned a slight bit of Haki, So right now we are just going to improve on that,'' Rayleigh said as he held a thin stick in his hands.'' Now let's get started.'' Rayleigh started walking around them forcing them to dodge once more.

'' FIGHT ME WITH ALL THAT YOU GOT.'' Izumi screamed as they were a little ways away.'' wha.'' Kirishima asked confused Only to have Izumi dash toward him and Kick him in the chest making him fly down the road a slight bit.'' I SAID FIGHT ME GOD DAMMIT, FACE ME WITH ALL YOU GOT.'' Kamikiri acted right away. He created two large blades on his forearms and dashed to Izumi. He went with a spin, aiming the blade at her midriff. He expected her to dodge like most, But she just caught him. She caught the blades barehanded shocking Kamakiri.

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