The Big three

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'' Am I doing this correctly.''  Present Mic asked as he was trying to use Soru, But the way you were forced to jump off really just troubled Present Mic.'' No, Smaller steps, And to start raise your knees higher, If you don't lift your knees you will fall to the floor.'' Shanks explained to him as he tapped him with a stick.'' Toshi, Stop putting too much force in your kick-up,'' Aizawa asked, extremely annoyed as All Might basically kept zooming passed him.'' Sorry, I am trying to get a hang of it.''

'' Well your not, You should not even create that much wind force, You're just running really hard, Shave, is skipping thru the air. the fact you move should be a surprise to everyone but yourself.'' As Shanks explained this to All Might he gave an example, He used Shave to just appear in front of All Might,'' See you're just running, and while most will be caught off by it, Perhaps one day you will get caught because of it.'' All Might nodded his head as he went back to training. And shanks went to help Vlad King and Aizawa.

But then on the opposite side of the training area. Nemuri was sitting next to Eri and Fuyumi, They were looking at the large group that was training, Scrolling on her phone, Only to get a surprise hug from the back. As she looked it showed it was Nejire hugging both her and Eri at the same time with a large smile on her face.'' Sorry ma'am I tried to stop her I really did.'' Yuyu, apologized for Nejire's behavior but Nemuri just laughed as did Eri, Altho Eri hugged back.'' You here for some training.'' Nem asked with a smile as she saw the other members walk up.

'' No Ma'am, We were looking for Aizawa, He wanted to talk with us about some stuff.'' Mirio said a little disappointed he wasn't able to join the very fun-looking training session.'' SHOOOOOOOOTTTTAAAA!'' Nemuri screamed at a volume reminiscent of Present Mic. Aizawa stopped his training and walked over.'' What now Nem, If your gonna bring up that stuff of your a queen so I should act like a chair, I will show Midoriya those twin tail pictures.'' No, not this time, Look these four were looking for you.''

Aizawa shook his head and rubbed his eyes clear, the sweat from his forehead made it into his eyes and blurred his vision because for some reason he didn't see them four until now, Sure Tamaki he could guess, He was crouched most of the time, and when he wasn't he hid behind Mirio. Nejire this time was still on the floor hugging Eri so that again could be given, But both Mirio and Yuyu stood out in the open, Mirio just like a Mini All Might a big smile plastered on his face and his fist sitting firmly on his hips.

'' Sorry, I totally forgot about it because of what we have been doing today. Yeah, I wanted to discuss the work studies with you guys, But that will be done later I guess, So you're free if you want.'' Cool, So is it fine if I join the training it looks fun.'' Mirio asked with Aizawa just shrugging it off as he didnt really see a problem with it but then again he wasn't in charge here. Mirio however still took this as a yes and ran toward a nearby locker room to switch into more suitable clothing. Funnily enough, on his way back, Mirio ran into Izuku and they made their way back together.

'' COME ON, LET'S HAVE THAT SPAR.'' Mirio asked once more, wanting to spar with the prince, a chance he hadn't had before during Izuku's training of Shinso.'' Fine, any limitation.'' Nah everything is fine, We heroes gotta adapt and overcome right.'' Mirio laughed loudly as he combat-rolled to warm his body up a bit, Izuku thankfully had been training and was warmed up enough.'' Wow Zuki, you don't look good.'' Nem laughed as Izuku walked up as if he had just been in a fight.

Which he had, with himself, His nose was slightly bloody, and he had smudges of dirt and dust on his clothing and face. But he was still smiling.'' Oh seems we are gonna get to sparring already.'' Izumi said with a wicked grin.'' Rest if you want, You're done with me for today.'' She told her trainee who all instantly dropped to the floor in exhaustion. Unable to move from the spots they were on.'' Okay Do your best prince, If you lose, I will be forced to revise your training once more.'' Sorry, Mirio but you will have to lose.'' Izuku said taking a real fighting stance.

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