Ancient Race or Modern weaponry

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Jordan was sprinting thru the entire field. Momo and Bakugo were trying their hardest to follow behind. Momo had used her quirks to create skates which make it easier and Bakugo had just used Explosions which help him prep for the fight as most of the excess sweat was being stored away. He had no idea how But Pink Braids knew her stuff.'' EY FUCKER CAN YOU FUCKING SLOW DOWN AND TELL US THE PLAN.'' Jordan got to a stop.'' We find King. we kick King's ass, we bully Izuku for being slow. that's my plan at least.''

'' WE HAVE BEEN RUNNING FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES STRAIGHT AND WE HAVE NOT FOUND THE FUCKER. WHERE IS THAT FUCKER KING.'' Jordan had been trying to sense strength with Haki. He really wanted to find King, But there was plenty of strong energy surrounding the area. All Might, Endeavor, Izuku, Mike, Kaido, and then some of the beast Syndicate. It was a pain to pinpoint the exact locations. Especially since Jordan was never the biggest fan of observation Haki. Sure he could use it to dodge attacks. And he was able to locate the people important to him. But that was it. 

'' Listen okay. I have been trying to locate the idiot with Haki but it's all a mess of strength. We should be close.'' Oh please allow me then. I have been working on that with Sir Rayleigh.'' Momo said as she closed her eyes and started taking slow deep breaths. While she was nowhere near Rayleigh's skill. Or not even the most skilled of all the girls. She did know how to pinpoint powerful foes. Rayleigh had them do a test where they had to find the 7 strongest people in order. Momo only had swapped number 3 and number 4 but still passed in Rayleigh's book.

It took her a moment, first, she had to get a basic layout in her mind. This was a simple black flat table top. Completely empty. Then she started placing candles down at the energy sources. the ones she was used to were the easiest. Jordan was next to them. right in the middle of the table. A candle there. A source of three powerful auras. One of them being Izuku. One being in mild panic. the other one strangely excited. while Izuku was calm. The other royalty was next. Mike was near the edge of the table. All Might and Endeavor were constantly moving around. 

Bjorn was fine. He was calm and relaxed running around. Then close to Bjorn, Momo felt Kurao's energy. He was in a fight it seemed. Now the other energy signals. One was closing in on Kurao, pretty powerful but not aggressive. kind-hearted is more like it. Two with Izuku. Mike of course was fighting one. She felt some more around the area, But there he was. An energy signal that was under the two fighting Izuku, But above the others. It had to be King.

'' I have located King. We have passed him.'' DAMMIT. What is the fastest way toward him, Ignoring walls and shit.'' Momo blinked in surprise before straightening her back.'' He should be directed that way.'' Momo pointed a southwest direction.'' Finally. Now stay back, don't want you to get in the way.''  Jordan said cracking his knuckles. His entire body started being covered by a rock-like material. Nearly glowing itself. He was fully using his quirk. It had been ages since he felt this powerful. As his head got covered now looking almost like a medieval knight as the slits of his eye's glowed a bright red.

'' TO BATTLE,'' Jordan yelled as he started going into a full sprint. His feet cracked the ground as he set off. Each step caused Momo and Bakugo to feel the vibrations. And as his body made contact with the walls. they seemed as to not even exist. they exploded outward. crumbling to dust as Jordan rushed his way to King. Bakugo and Momo quickly followed behind. Bakugo himself checking his added support gear. He before didnt really have time to shine, But now, He was gonna enjoy himself.

Momo's first thought would be Tonfa, But they would be ineffective against a Monster like King. She was gonna have to use something more powerful. But she had just the thing. Standing back Momo had started creating a multitude of small nicknacks that would have to be put together. She had not noticed the gifter behind her. A man that seemed to be fused with a giraffe. They were closing in on her. And seem to have the sneak attack advantage. That was until'' LIGHTNING SWORD.'' Nami pushed her spear forward. A small stark of electricity finding its way to the Giraffe before that small spark turned into a thick beam. His back was scorched black as he laid prone on the floor twitching slightly.

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