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'' My rules are simple. I am in charge, You will follow my orders or you will go home, If I tell you to jump, your response should be how high sir, Not why, but I don't want to, or any of that, Am I understood.'' Endeavor's words rang loudly thru the somewhat empty room. Shoto and Bakugo stood in their hero outfits, Backs straight and looking right ahead, They weren't alone, With them were a group of four other heroes, They were the newest Sidekicks of Endeavors group.'' Yes sir.'' Each one said in unison.

'' Good, Now, While I don't expect you to fight on the same level, I will still expect some level of use from you all. You don't have to be able to lift mountains or reach light speeds, If you have used in a search and rescue mission because you can locate heartbeats that are more than acceptable.''  Endeavor walked around them as he spoke, Explaining what he wanted from them, But then he came to the part most people enjoyed. what he would give them.'' Each of you has already seen the base salary, Do better work get paid more.''

'' This does not mean get reckless because that won't do much except make you a liability. We here also do at least weekly mandatory training day, Which means we go on three large patrols, Apart from that we are here training. the other leading heroes and I will do our best to improve any skills you may already have.'' Endeavor was done, and released them back to their sidekick in charge. It was a very smart system Endeavor had, He had the top heroes, Which were mostly him and his wife. Under then you had some lesser heroes and some well-respected sidekicks

This included those like Dabi and Burnin including some others. They looked over some other sidekicks and were often in charge of the training of the other sidekicks because they knew the ropes, They knew how to do the grunt work efficiently. Shoto and Bakugo worked right under Dabi. Who loved the fact his little brother was working under him.'' Good, you two are here, Well it's about 8 so let's go for our first patrol of the day. Make sure you are stocked up on handcuffs, a beeper,  bandages, and an emergency response beacon.''

It was everything they could need in case something happened. Handcuffs to capture any villain they might come across. A beeper to see where something might be happening and if a backup was required. Bandages in case anyone was injured and they had to admit first aid, But most importantly in endeavors eyes Emergency response beacon. In case a villain showed up that they were unable to defeat or stop, It would message Endeavor and their HQ.'' We got that brother.'' Shoto said but this earned him a soft punch on the top of the head.'' It's Dabi during work hours Shoto, Btw get a new hero name, That one is boring.''

Bakugo laughed at Shoto for his hero name which was his own name,'' Yours is only slightly better Ground Zero, The main problem with two-part names is that it can get confusing. you can be called ground and Zero in a pinch, So maybe look at one that is shorter, But enough chitchat, let's move out.'' Dabi said as he pulled out his phone and turned around to walk away. To make it most efficient, Each week all heroes were given a patrol route. This mainly just installed where they could be without doubling on other's routes. 

'' Ground Zero come up to keep a friendly face, You're a hero remember, Not an edgy villain.'' Bakugo just scoffed as he looked at Dabi, The man for crying out loud wore a ripped raincoat. If anyone looked like that it was him. But Dabi was still smiling at the people walking by, Giving a hey to those that did so to him, But then disaster struck. Around 250 meters ahead, a storefront blew off, It caught the heroes by surprise, But they quickly sprang into action.'' YOU TWO FIRST MAKE SURE THOSE AROUND ARE BACK AND NO ONE IS INJURED.'' Dabi yelled out as he began sprinting forward. 

Both Bakugo and Shoto however were able to move with their quirks. Bakugo used the explosion to propel himself forward at high speeds, showing that training with Izuku's teachers was more than worth it. The same was for Shoto, Who used brittle ice to move forward, But it broke off right away leaving very little cleanup, And while their first instinct was to beat the fuck out of the villain. Instead, Shoto encased the building in ice, Blocking the villain from the people around him, even from the two students.

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