Ochaco's fluff

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'' Good Morning. Miss Uraraka. It's a pleasure to have you on the show.'' The TV host spoke. Ochaco smiled sweetly as she sat on the chair. This was her first-ever interview. Worse of all Izuku was not on stage to help her out.'' T-the pleasure is all mine, thank you for having me.'' Many TV shows asked the royals to come on. It always boosted their ratings. Seeing Ochaco fail the training of Izumi. She was forced to go as punishment. Dressed in a beautiful suit made by Mitsuki fits to perfection.

'' Now then, I believe this is your first ever interview alone is that correct.'' Ochaco nodded.'' Indeed. It's the first time I have gotten to opportunity. So please excuse me if I seem new.'' The Host laughed. He understood her worries, But he was a great fan of heroes and the royal family. He would do his best to ensure that Ochaco would look great coming out of the interview.'' The news of the UA attacks on the villain outpost. defeat plenty of the big names in the underworld, Am I safe to assume you were part of those attacks.''

'' Yes. Just like plenty of the other heroes, I had played my part and won some battles.'' The man smiled as the TV played some action parts of the sports festivals.'' As we can see, your change was extreme compared to the last two sports festivals. Even finishing in the top 8 in the last one. Is there any hostility after such a competition?'' The man asked Ochaco who shook her head.'' No. While during the one-on-one fights. there is often perhaps some annoyance. But overall it was a feeling of happiness and joy at how everything was done

'' Now one of the questions alot of people have. Surrounds a picture circulating the entire internet and has been for the past week or so.'' Ochaco got really worried for a second. Did some creep snap a nude picture of her? Was it something really bad? The picture was shown. It was Ochaco. multiple boxes of Empty Mochi all around her. And most importantly. a dirty-faced Ochaco sleeping still with mochi on her face. And the culprit in the picture. Izuku, Eri, and Kota. taking a selfie while laughing..'' Oh.'' She was embarrassed. because she saw Izuku laughing from the back.

'' Is it safe to assume you are a fan of sweets? Mochi to be more exact.'' Ochaco blushed but nodded.'' Y-yes. Ever since I was small. I was a fan of Mochi and it seems that has yet to go away.'' Ochaco was not aware. But this changed her life. The interview went on for a bit extra. Some light-hearted joke questions. But also some questions that made her seem like an absolute badass. How she was able to beat villains. All the craziness to go with it. But as Ochaco got home She went right to bed. Skipping looking at her emails.

But as she woke up. She of course checked it. She had a total of around 200 messages. Each one is from a high-ranking executive of a Mochi company. Each one asked if she would like to collaborate. Ochaco ran to Izuku unsure what the goal was. was she allowed? should she turn them all down?'' Dont worry babe.'' Izuku assured her.'' Today we will head over to someone who will iron out the deals for you. It's totally fine doing collabs with people. YouTubers, streamers. companies. Just be sure to have this person iron out the deals.''

Ochaco didnt fully understand why. But Izuku assured her. The drive took about two hours. But they ate a bunch of snacks and laughed so it was fine in her eyes. They entered this seemingly five-star hotel. Walking in without worry before going into the elevator. Pinging to the top floor.'' Lawyers?'' Ochaco asked softly as Izuku nodded.'' These are some of the best lawyers I know of. And one of the greatest deal makers is here.'' Oh, Izuku. I will tell Harvey you here.'' Izuku nodded as he and ochaco walked past the smoking hot red-haired secretary.''

'' Hello, Midoriya. I didnt expect you. What can I do for you.'' Izuku shook the man's hand.'' Harvey. This is my girlfriend Ochaco. Ochaco this man is one of the best. if not the best lawyers I know. Harvey spectre.'' A pleasure princess.'' Harvey greeted before sitting down.'' Harvey. I know you are a busy man, But Ochaco here has gotten alot of deals for some collabs with Mochi companies. She wants to do them. Please find someone that can help her come to a fair deal.'' Ochaco shook her head.'' What deal.'' Izuku laughed as Harvey nodded.

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