Girls day.

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Two days had passed since Nemuri and Izuku got back to the dorms. Nemuri was overall feeling great. and she was able to move without any discomfort. So she and all the other women from 1A had decided to have a day for themselves.

Izuku at the moment just brought his large truck in. It was a large SUV with enough space to seat all of them. Nemuri would be driving with Momo and Robin in the front. Ochaco, Nami, and Mina would sit in the next row with Eri. Then the other row had Toru, Camie, and Jiro. They had also invited Tsu but she had already made plans to have a family day with Tokoyami and her siblings.

The SUV which Izuku dubbed Tank due to its sturdiness, had enough space left to carry more than they all could carry without their quirks. The Suv Izuku had was much like most of his car's special made. Tank however was special. It was able to survive nearly anything. 

In the testing phase of the car, Izuku had attacked it multiple times with his quirk. Lightspeed kicks Tremor punches. and the car was able to take them and keep the people inside alive. The frame was made out of one of the strongest materials found on earth. The main metal however was special made metal called Wapometal. Which was a quirk made. It was heat, cold, and weather resistant. If Izuku wanted them to be safe this was the car for it.

Nemuri was in the middle of the dorms. She was making sure she had everything with the ladies. Each made sure they had their ID. They didn't need any money as Nemuri would get Izuku's card which would pay for everything. 

The ladies had already set up their day. First, they would go do some clothing shopping. The only store they had in mind was a rather high-end one which would be where they would buy a dress for their dates. Then they would have lunch. Then do some toy shopping for Eri, They also had to Nemuri some headphones as her old ones were broken. Then they would go and spend a couple of hours at a spa to relax.

Izuku entered the dorms and saw all the girls. Each one of them wore something casual, Nemuri wore black jeans with a rip at the left knee and a white shirt, A set of sneakers with a small bag over her shoulder which had her keys, wallet, and phone, aswell as some other necessity

Ochaco wore a white sundress that reached a little above her knees, She had a jean jacket on with a light brown bag over her shoulder, much like Nemuri and the rest of the girls wore sneakers. Mina and Camie had the same outfit as Nemuri on expert Mina wore blue jeans and Camie wore a black crop top.

Momo wore a red turtle neck, a multi-colored skirt with a small brown belt, Black stockings, and a small handbag. Jiro wore a deep dope purple shirt that was ripped on the stomach, Black leather pants. Toru wore a pink skirt that reached from just under her breast to the middle of her thighs. She had white leggings on reaching just above her knees leaving a small area in between. She had a white shirt on with had black dots on her sleeves which reached down toward her elbow. To show her hands she wore fingerless gloves along with a bracelet.

Nami wore an orange skirt that went from her hips right to her knees, on the left side of her skirt were circles that had a white outer ring and again orange in the middle. She wore a white T-shirt with a V-cut. which had blue stripes Horizontal. Robin chose a set of purple jeans and a light purple blouse with the top buttons open showing the top of her cleavage. Eri wore a red dress with a white undershirt and black leggings with a cat bag over her shoulder.

Each woman looked extremely beautiful, With Eri being by far the cutest out of all of them. As Izuku saw all of them he could only smile at the sight of them. '' I see you all ready to get going.'' He said with a smile '' Jup so hand it over big boy.'' Nemuri said with Izuku having the chuckle. '' Sure thing.'' He said as he grabbed his wallet. He fished out a card and gave it to Nemuri. '' use it wisely ladies.'' Sure thing, It's not like I am a certain prince that nearly bought a full store because his daughter liked everything.'' Nemuri said making Eri laugh as she remembered when that did happen.

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