The Royal fight Izuku vs Shike

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After Izuku entered the room again there were some questions about what that was about but Izuku told them it wasn't important, He then went to kiss his girlfriends and his daughter on the forehead and told them he was going to the roof to think for a little while. While they would have preferred to stay with him for longer they understood and Izuku walked off. He made it to his room and jumped up to the roof where he laid down and just watched the clouds clearing his mind.

The fight he was just about to have was going to be hard. Sure Shike was an asshole, But he was still someone he had known for years, He grew up with Shike and sure while he grew up into what he was now when they were young they did have some fun together. Not only that but Shike was strong, But Izuku wasn't just fighting for himself this time, He was fighting for most of the world.

Around 30 minutes before the fight they came to get Izuku, It was Alfred and Rayleigh, Izuku walked with them silently after giving a see you later to everyone. Right after Izuku walked off Jin, Shanks, and Beckman came .'' We are here to escort The Royal family toward the arena.'' Jin said with Inko nodding and moving with Hisashi. as they walked a little they stopped and looked back.'' common girls we can't be late.'' What?'' You are now part of the Royal family,'' Do not worry, One of your teachers will come by soon and escort you all.''

Ochaco, Mina, Nemuri, and Eri went with Inko and Hisashi, When they got close much to their surprise they saw many people they knew as Leaders of City's and countries bow or even take a knee in respect to them as they walked by. Mina went to whisper to Jin but Inko was able to hear it aswell.'' Does that happen alot?'' Oh, it does sweetie, It's a sign of respect, You should not worry too much about it, After a while, you will get used to it.'' 

After a short walk, they were at the Arena and when they were brought to their seating area to the girl's surprise there were beautiful wooden chairs with soft pillows placed for them. A young man with bright yellow hair a little spikey in a butler outfit moved a step forward as he saw their surprise.'' Is there something wrong with the chair, Lady Uraraka, Lady Ashido, Lady Kayama?'' Uhm No it's fine thank you.'' It's my honor, Is there anything else I can do for you.'' Eri spoke up a little softly.'' Can I get an apple juice please?'' Of course princess, anything else.'' when they gave a no he stepped back and in a yellow flash he was gone, only to show up again 30 seconds later with a glass of apple juice and a straw.'' Here you go princess, Freshly made apple juice, I hope you like it.'' Eri took it with a thank you and a smile. When she drank it her smile only grew bigger.'' It's really tasty, thank you, mister.'' The blond man only bowed deeper.

While they waited they were able to see the stands filled. Perfectly spaced out were a set of boxes that were for the royal families. They saw Jordan give them a big wave and a thumb up showing he had faith in his best friend. They saw Antarctica give a smaller wave but a face filled with faith in their friend. Each royal family when making eye contact of course gave a greeting and sat down each having a nice seating area.

They also saw a multitude of classes enter, 1A and 1B were seated nearby. Nemuri noticed the two hero classes of the third year be placed near Antarctica. Then the rest of the area was either filled in with diplomats from all different countries, The prime minister of Japan, the President of Russia, and many more all nicely sitting down waiting for the fight. They also saw a multitude of cameras and news crews filming the area even half a dozen camera drones were flying around filming the crowd aswell as the arena,

First out came Shike. He wore shorts and a chain with animal teeth. he wore no shoes. He entered the arena with a sick smile on his face cracking his knuckles and back.  He was eager for this fight. He couldn't wait to finally get rid of Izuku.

His entire land valued strength more than brains or even wealth, and Shike was still the king, No one in his land was stronger than him, No one would be able to face against him and live to see the next day. The same will be done for Izuku. he would die by Shike's hand, and the rumors that Izuku was stronger will finally be gone and his strength would be unmatched.

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