Royal date. Mei&Yu

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 Izuku smiled as he rode Tank toward Mei's home. He had lost contact with her last night in order to get the time set together. Last he remembered was Mei texting him she was gonna work on one of her babies before going to bed, That itself was the last message she read and sent. He didnt have much preparation done. The date with Mei was simple, They were going to just make a robot and have those fights. Might not be the thing for everyone, But it was just Mei's perfect date.

He stepped out of the car, smiling as he looked around, Mainly people were staring outside the windows looking down at him. But he ignored them and walked toward Mei's house. He knocked on the door. Nothing happened. He knocked again with nothing happening once more. He was quite confused as he clearly knew she was home, Izuku could sense it.'' Mei, are you awake.'' Izuku called out as he knocked again, This time a little louder. Then he felt her move. Felt her get closer toward the door.'' Oh hahaha Izuku what are you doing here,'' She laughed, She was covered in grease.

'' Our date, our date is now,'' Mei looked at her watch, That she of course had modified, so the grease on it would be wiped away after a couple of seconds.'' Oh HAHA, I had been working on my babies all night again, Well let's go.'' She placed her hands on her hips, wearing grease-covered overalls, at this point brown and black shirt.'' Mei how does your shirt have a couple of white stains.'' Mei laughed more as she turned around showing the back was entirely white.'' MY SHIRT IS WHITE HAHAHAHA.'' Okay, So your first going to shower.'' Izuku with Mei shrugging, turned around as she removed her shirt.

This caught Izuku by surprise, Mei nearly flashed him and the neighbors. Izuku just walked inside and closed the door. He chuckled as alot of clothing was thrown on the floor, going up the stairs, Pants, and panties next to each other, one sock on the first step of the stairs and one more further away on a drawer. Izuku just walked around a slight bit, He looked at the picture, It was Mei and a large burly man. He was massive. Mei was standing on top of a skateboard with jets.

'' Wow, Mei really looks like her dad,'' Izuku said seeing the goggles aswell as the pink dreadlocks in common. And Nejire was a spitting image of her mother. He kept looking around the room and he was shocked at, dozen, different half, created or half-broken gadgets.''Wow, that's a lot of work, I wonder how she would react to Cyborg, Sniper King, Or VegaPunk,, Might have to introduce them once, Tho could end the world by having advanced robotic humanoids take over the world.'' Izuku laughed before waiting a bit more, as Mei walked down, Wearing neat, But comfortable clothing

''Let's go, I am ready.'' Mei said smiling.'' Wow, You are absolutely stunning,'' Izuku was shocked, He believed all his girlfriends were beyond Beautiful, Each of them could be a supermodel, But most used Makeup, at least a little bit of it to make their natural features stand out, even more, But Mei, who normally had a cover of grease, Oil or something along the likes on her face, Had nothing on her face, no grease, or make up.'' Sure, We first need to eat something and drink something.'' Oh yeah, I still need that.'' Mei laughed as they walked out.

Much like Nejire, Mei instantly ran up to Tank, Jumping on the hood, She began asking questions. And right as Izuku pulled her off, She tried dismantling the car.'' Calm down Mei, While I am more than willing to show you the blueprints, Please dont break Tank, Now let's get some sandwiches.'' Izuku said starting the car, With Mei nodded her head. They drove quickly stopping at a nearby gas station for some sandwiches, Izuku loved fine dining, There wasnt much better than a perfectly cooked, A5 wagyu, His one strange love was gas station sandwiches.

They are around 12 of them together, Evenly shared between Mei and Izuku.'' Let's have our fun now, I will do as you tell me. Just gotta change my face.'' Izuku said as he pressed his hand on his own cheek, turning into someone Mei had never seen. A wide smile, with a large mustage, black with the tips rolled in on itself.'' Haha, Nice face, Now let's go, We need to create rockets and laser guns,'' She stepped out of the car.'' Oh rocket blasters and jet engines, Perhaps we can make sure our bot flies above the enemies.'' Mei laughed walking into the building.

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