Royal Dates Setsuna&Yui

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Izuku got out of bed, It felt so strange not sleeping in the dorms anymore, He had moved back into one of the houses, He chose one of the apartment buildings that overlooked the sea, Mainly because he loved the sight of it. But he had a date with Setsuna today. So he dragged his body toward the shower, Giving himself a nice scrub. He got dressed casually. A simple black shirt with blue jeans. And to top it off, a facemask, Cause he really didnt want to get recognized where he was going.

For Setsuna, Izuku had planned to take her to America. More importantly, he was going to take her, to Miami, where the Dinoland park was. a large plot of land was turned into a park where certain people with Dinosaur quirks would roam around. allowing dinosaur fans to look at them, each would get a tour guide that would show them and tell them about all the Dinosaurs. And seeing that on one of the first meetings Setsuna and Izuku had She asked him all about his dino powers. He thought it would be a fun date. They had to decide to meet somewhere neutral, 

Now Setsuna wasn't ready for her parents to meet Izuku, It simply wouldn't go well as They could get a heart attack if he knocked on the door. So They would meet up at the park nearby. Which was simple enough. Mostly because Fin had already been at that park and the park which meant very easy travel. So stepping into the kitchen Izuku got ready for the date And saw Setsuna already sent him a selfy of her and a large breakfast, He went to eat aswell, Before being swiftly brought to the park by Fin.

They had roughly around 10 minutes left before Setsuna would show up so they moved toward one of the nearby benches and played a game of chess. Izuku beat Fin in the game of chess, Most of that came as Setsuna ran up, and start cheering for him.'' So Babe, where we going.'' Setsuna asked with Izuku giving a lighthearted chuckle.'' That would Ruin the surprise, But Fin of you could please.'' Fin nodded his head as he raised his palm and opened his fingers, allowing a portal to open up, that both Izuku and Setsuna walk thru.

'' NO FUCKING WAY, NO FUCKING WAY, NO WAY, OH MY GOD THAT AHHHH NO WAY,'' Setsuna screamed excitedly, almost having trouble finding the words as she hugged Izuku. It had been her lifelong dream to show up at Dino Land.'' COME ON WE NEED TO CHECK EVERYTHING OUT.'' Izuku chuckled but didnt move, Instead he pulled he closer and wrapped his arms around her waist.'' We will, Just for privacy's sake, don't call me Izuku, Don't want to get bum rushed. '' Setsuna would have agreed to get her kidney removed as long as they could enter the park right away.

Setsuna dragged Izuku by the arm. They entered at the gate, Izuku simply paying the entrance fee with his card, He was still hoping he would have noticed a dent in it but that would have been unlikely.'' A lanky-looking man with thick glasses smiled.'' Hello, I will be your tour guide, Please follow me, We will enter the cart, There we will drive around and I shall explain each Dinosaur we are able to spot.'' Izuku nodded, as Setsuna just hopped up and down in excitement. She jumped at the back with Izuku. Holding his hand with the biggest smile.

The entire trip Setsuna was on the top of her game. The first thing they saw was a group of Brontosaurus. And before the Tourguide could even start talking about what they eat, Setsuna spoke up'' Those are Brontosaurus, They are from the Family of Sauropods, It was believed to be mostly a herbivore, using his long neck to reach the top leaves, much like a giraffe would do right now. we believe they could reach up to 72 feet and 17 tons.'' Well seems like the young lady can do my job better than I can haha.'' Sorry'' 

Setsuna was sheepish for the entire ride, But thankfully the tour guide was trained for these sorts of moments like many others had to work with excited kids alot, So whenever they spotted a new Dino, He just happily asked Her a question. He quickly understood it was a date. and tried keeping his engagement to a minimum.'' OH MY GAWD THAT'S A RAPTOR, I LOVE RAPTORS.'' Setsuna cheered, nearly letting her head fly off to get a closer look but Izuku stopped her.'' What you like about them Set.'' This rather innocent question opened a floodgate that neither Izuku Nor the Tourguide was really ready for.

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