Getting better

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The helicopter rushed its way toward the hospital, one of the pilot's radioed back toward the hospital as soon as they lifted off the ground'' home base, We have a VIP with us in need of medical attention, call the head doctor on duty, we need our best.'' AirCare5, what are you talking about, Who is the VIP.'' The pilot looked back.'' Uhm, We are carrying the next king of the entire world, Prince Izuku Midoriya.'' Sorry, AirCare5 I believe there was some static, Did you say, Prince Izuku Midoriya.'' Yeah home base, So get some help on deck and quick.''

Back at the hospital, they were on edge, the second the call was given, they had called the head doctor who was sitting at home with his wife.'' George, What is wrong, I am in bed with my wife.'' Sorry Theo, But you need to come in NOW.'' What, what is going on.'' We just got a call, Prince Izuku Midoriya has been injur'' ON MY WAY.'' The head doctor hanged up and jumped out of bed.'' Theo, what are you doing?'' Saving royalty I guess,'' Without getting dressed, still in his sleepwear and slippers, the doctor ran downstairs and hopped in the car before zooming down the street.

once Izuku arrived, still knocked out, recovery girl and the red-haired group's doctor, still working on him, Most of the external injuries were under control, waiting on the helicopter pad with a team, everything on hand, blood tested three times, any medication they could ever need and supplies for days, Rushing in to help Izuku as well as they could, as they started helping Izuku back with Nezu he started getting a grasp of what happened fully. Everyone was either arrested or still being taken care of, But one part that was a little concerning to him was that the group had taken their dead ones with him.

'' Now everyone here, I wish to ask you all to not speak about what happened here, I understand some of you may want to share what happened with the prince, But please keep it private for now,'' What, do you want to protect your rep or something'' one of the cops called out with Nezu shaking his head.'' No, I am ashamed for my failure to protect our ruler and a student, But it has happened, and hiding that will just cause problems overall. What I wish to do, Is give Midoriya some time to get better''

That the cop was okay with. '' Then we will leave the rest to you all,'' Nezu said as he got picked up by All Might. jumping back toward UA at high speeds, Planning to spend all night looking over any protocol they had, and with each one, he started thinking about every single way to absolutely destroy the protocols., In Nezu's mind, if he couldn't break it, that meant others weren't able to break it as easily, Calling power loader back in to help him with it.

Back at Izuku's house, everyone sat in the living room, and oh boy did it feel weird.'' s-so this is w-where the prince of the world used to live.'' Awase asked with Beckman nodding.'' Yes But don't worry, It's fine, You all, however, need to rest, It's late and you all have been thru alot.'' it was very true, and they were all feeling it, the adrenaline starting to run its course. Eri had already fallen asleep in the arms of Nemuri, who was right now being watched over by Shanks, Sitting outside the room his observation Haki turned to the max as all the girls were in the main bedroom sleeping with Eri.

Shanks grabbed his phone and called downstairs toward the group's sniper.'' Yassop, I need you to head toward the hospital and tell me what is the status of the prince.'' Alright, cap, I will head out right now, I will first do a quick run of the surroundings.'' Shanks gave the okay to Yassop who headed out right away. The guys went ahead and slept aswell, picking either the ground or the couch. One that didnt sleep yet was Bakugo as he was in a different room talking with his mother.

'' Mom what the fuck are you doing here.'' Mitsuki took a breath.'' After your father and I split up, I lived with you for a while because of you, But I wanted to live on my own aswell, But I was unable to find a place, Inko then offered me to stay here for a bit while I look for my own house. Bakugo nodded.'' Mom, I need your honesty right now. Are you dating Midoriya?'' Mitsuki blushed, ever since he had come by and told her he still had a crush, had been thinking about that.

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