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'' MAMAMAMAMA YOU REALLY THINK SOME ZAPS CAN KILL ME BRAT, NAPOLION.'' Big Mom screamed as her hat, which looked alot like a pirate hat, popped out a handle and a large blade with a face on.'' Yes, Momma.'' Big Mom grabbed it and swiped upward right toward Izuku who had swapped from Poke Poke No mi( Pocket pocket fruit) to the Gura Gura no Mi(Tremor-Tremor fruit). A bubble covered the blade as Izuku had his hands on the bottom of the large staff.

The entire staff turned black with Haki as Izuku focused as much as he could. And they made contact. Both attacks made contact and it was felt around the area. The entire area shook with force as they clashed. But Big Mom had more force and smacked Izuku away. He flew back a couple of meters but he was able to stop himself. Now standing in the middle of the battlefield he noticed alot of fights had already been done. and more or else it was Rifraf that was still running amuck.  Big Mom also took note of this and smiled. Now she didnt worry about hurting her kids.

She held her blade with both hands, Napoleon changed into a different version of a sword now more looking like a longsword.'' Ikoku Sovereignty'' She called out as she swiped her blade. Instantly from where she swiped. the ground cracked, and A large massive air bullet was shot at Izuku. He ran forward, hoping to stop it as soon as he could. Still holding on to his weapon Izuku slashed upward. His blade makes contact with the air bullet but deflects it right into the air. The entire sky was clouded first. But after that attack, It was wide open.

That was not something Izuku liked seeing. Sure he could take them all day, But he had people to protect, And Those might not be able to tank those attacks. So Izuku needed to take down Big Mom quickly. Thankfully while his problem with Katakuri had been that his biggest attacks didnt seem to connect, Big Mom was too large not to miss. So just taking her down wouldn't be the hardest thing. But seeing her durability. Finding an attack that could pierce that armor would be a challenge. She shrugged off moves that would turn any normal person to a crisp.

But Izuku wasn't one to shy away from a challenge. Then again, Izuku didnt see Big Mom as a threat so much. He saw her for a workout and some Training, as the real threat would be Kaido. The strongest creature in the world. And while Big Mom was a powerful being, Kaido had her outmatched in every class. 100 times more durable. 100 times stronger. a devil fruit that truly caused destruction. Sure Big Mom's fruit was effective against those weak-willed, Anyone who feared her could have their life taken away. But Izuku just wasn't scared of someone like Big Mom. The only girls he feared, were his mother, His girlfriends, and his teacher.


'' Come on, They think they could beat ME'' Rumi said as she just kicked a thug dressed like a horse. She kicked him right in the chest and he flew right into a bunch of them dressed like pawns. But they never stopped coming at her. Rumi of course took it like an insult. All those little thugs believed they had a shot at taking her out. THEY DARED TO BELIEVE THEY WERE AS STRONG AS HER.'' Rumi kicked one of them in the head again rocketing him off. 

And as much Rumi loved fighting, Fighting weaklings was just boring. They took no effort or skill to beat, Just one attack and it was over. So instead she would use one move to take as many down as she could. Using Gepo she jumped into the sky, Waiting until she was far above the battlefield. Where she stopped. She fell back down to earth. Her head was aimed down. it was then that she used Gepo again. Like a shooting star, they came back to Earth. Only to rotate forward, Her leg covered in Haki. 

It made contact with the ground and like a meteor crashed down to earth. She created a massive creator. dozens of feet wide and a couple of feet deep. It shook the entire area, But as it happened at the same time as Izuku's clash with Big Mom they molten together, But all the thugs decided she was best left alone. Which was great for Rumi as the move she pulled strained her leg. She was gonna keep fighting, None of these losers were strong enough to take her on, even if she had no legs. She showed this by clocking one on the chin with a right hook.

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