Meeting Royalty

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As they made their way walking toward the dorms Inko was ahead asking Nemuri, Mina, and Ochaco questions, with Eri in hand. Izuku was a little behind them talking with his father Hisashi and Jin. 

'' So I want to know, How did you all first meet my baby boy,'' Inko asked the girls. She was aware of how Izuku met Nemuri seeing as she was a teacher at the school he went too but She wanted to know about the other two.

'' I think Ochaco should be the one telling that story, For me, I just ran toward my friend to tease her about the big guy she was talking to.'' Mina said giving the focus to Ochaco.'' Oh well, I just met him,'' No, No sweetheart give me all the details, I need to know them.'' Inko said making Ochaco give a nod as she took a deep breath.

'' So I woke up the day like super nervous, The entire train ride over I was trying to control my breathing, and when I came to the UA gates, I was like shaking, But then when I made my first couple steps I saw someone fall next to me, So I reached out to stop them with my quirk. To my surprise, it was this tall boy in a hoodie with a facemask. When I talked with him he didn't talk back but that was the nerves we all had. Then Mina pulled me away, I didn't think I really would see the guy again. But then during the exam both me and Mina had heavily overused our quirks, So we are pinned to the floor this massive robot the size of a massive apartment complex punches downward onto the pinned me and Mina, and out of no were when this figure stands in front of us shielding of from an explosion we didn't even know took place. And that just happened to be Izuku saving us from an explosion he created.'' Ochaco said

'' Oh my god, that is so cute. But Izuku shouldn't be nervous around those exams, He has fought stuff more dangerous than a simple robot.'' Inko said with Izuku nodding and looking embarrassed.'' Yeah, It wasn't the exam. I just didn't expect to see someone that pretty and that cute.'' Ochaco just blushed more as Inko squealed as Hisashi and Jin laughed at Izuku, Nemuri and Mina also laughed.

''That is beyond cute, Now what about first dates.'' Only me so far, But the girls do have a plan for their date which will happen later tonight.'' Oh, first what was your date.'' Oh, it was wonderful, He picked me up, In such a nice suit, We had this peaceful drive and we arrived at this massive mansion. There was this massive garden and we went inside to eat. Oh, the food was amazing, Might have been the greatest hamburger steak I ever tasted. Then we ended it by just watching TV. ''

'' So what is your idea for the date.'' Oh, it's kind of like that, But we would eat at a restaurant and then watch a movie at home.'' Oh, that is also very sweet, Just thinking of it makes me jealous of you.'' Hey, we go on dozen of dates whenever we are somewhere.'' Hisashi said'' I know honey.'' Inko said as she eye-rolled making the girls giggle.

'' What do your parents think about you dating Izuku,'' Oh well my folks are okay with it, They were shocked when I said I had feelings for him, Altho my mom was going on that I was becoming a princess.'' Mina said with a laugh.'' My parents were a little shocked and confused but they have no problems with it? Why do parents normally have a problem with it'' Ochaco asked.

'' Yes, altho my parents weren't with us when I started dating Hisashi, But from the stories I heard was that the queen before me had a lot of troubles with her own family, More so that they weren't seen as Royalaty's themself. I just had my friends, I had these two friends, One of them you should have already met Izumi Curtis, and second, was Mitsuki, They at first didnt believe me But then when I showed them Hisashi they were very supportive,''

While the girls were talking some more Hisashi was talking with Izuku and Jin about the upcoming event. '' Izuku about The World Council meeting, I have been doing some talking and there is a about a 90% chance you have to fight at the upcoming meeting. Now because of how his country lives I found some difficulties finding out much about what he had been doing this last year, So if you fight him be prepared for things you might not have expected.'' Hisashi sounded serious.

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