The day before the Royal meeting.

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Izuku was in bed asleep facing upwards fully naked with Ochaco face down on his side also naked slightly snoring wearing two small gloves. Then there was Mina also naked but instead of laying next to them she was laying on top of them, Her but was in between Ochaco and Izuku, With one of her feet right on Izuku's face her other leg was next to his head, If Izuku was awake he could lift his head he would look right at Mina's privets. Mina's arm was over Ochaco's back with her face on her legs deep asleep.

All Three were asleep until Izuku's phone went off waking Mina first, she tried getting up by lifting herself with her arms but she just pressed down on Ochaco's butt waking her and kicking Izuku in the face on accident. Now all three of them were awake and thankfully Mina rolled off. Izuku grabbed his phone his face hurting not ready for a foot in the face to wake up.

''What'' Izuku asked not sounding too friendly.'' Well good morning to you aswell my love.'' Nemuri said with a giggle as Izuku groaned and sat up.'' Hey honey, Sorry rough morning and we were awake till late.'' Oh my, my. I just wanted to call you and tell you Alfred stopped by, He told me that our protection detail will show up just before dinner, He thought you were here So try not to be too late.'' Nemuri said as at the moment it was around 11.'' Dont worry, We will just get some breakfast and take a shower and head back, want anything.'' Oh, could you get me some of those dumplings from that place I like?'' Of course, See you soon.'' Izuku said as he heard Nemuri blow a kiss and hang up.

He then looked back down and saw both of them were sleeping again but to Izuku's surprise and enjoyment both had turned around and were both spread eagle.'' Hey wake up, We still have the stuff to do.'' He said as he moved out of bed using the Moku Moku no mi (Smoke Smoke fruit.) He didn't want to disturb his girlfriends who just groaned still tired.'' I don't want to move, I am still sore from last night.'' Mina said

''It's not my fault, you guys got competitive,'' Izuku laughed.'' But come let's take a shower and a small soak in the hot tub, It will feel better for you girls.'' Carry us please.'' Mina begged with Izuku rolling his eye but keeping a smile on his face, So he used his smoke fruit and lifted them, He then brought them closer with both of them deciding to lean in his chest more and kiss him on the cheek with a thank you.

When they arrived at the bathroom which looked more like a normal bathhouse by the pure size of it  they were put on the floor.'' WHAT THE HELL, WHY IS IT THIS BIG.'' Ochaco nearly screamed, She was wondering why anyone would need this much space to clean themselves. She nearly fainted when she saw the tub was bigger than most pools people had.'' No idea, but I was thinking of adding an extension, Open this wall here and add an open area for those nice nights where you just wanna soak and chill.'' He said with Mina loving that Idea.

They cleaned themselves and soaked for about 15 minutes in the hot tub/pool.'' I never want to leave.'' Mina and Ochaco said as they were in a massage chair waiting on Izuku with their bags. '' We should come back here way more, I don't think I could live without this anymore.'' Mina said just as Izuku came in.'' We can always come back from time to time, If you want anything for during the bath, We can set up, I have been thinking of a coffee machine that should be able to make Ice coffee and Milk coffee.'' 

With that done They all got dressed and made their way to Izuku's car.'' What do you want to eat.'' I wouldn't mind a sandwich, I have been craving a BLT lately.'' Mina said with Ochaco being okay with that. with that they got to driving, Izuku thankfully knew of a great sandwich place nearby the restaurant Nemuri wanted.

'' Are we gonna eat inside,'' I mean we could but I don't mind,'' Well let's order to go then get back to UA sooner.'' Sure If you girls order a sandwich I will go get some Dumpling for Nemuri, Get me something good.'' Izuku said as he gave them some cash and walked off to get dumplings

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