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Nezu smiled as he looked down on the UA grounds. He sat in his office and looked down with a cup of tea. Smiling as he remembered a couple of months ago. The UA festival was an absolute hit that is still being discussed today. 1A's song, Well the now 2A. Music song has been recorded by Nezu and it had been placed online as a highlight. To say the song has listened to alot would be underselling it. But with the months that have passed Nezu had been working.

Many saw him as a leader of Heroics. And he behaved as one. Trying to make sure nothing went wrong. For the past couple of months. UA had been preparing for a massive attack on Villiany. After the Fight against AFO. Multiple monsters escaped from the shadows and rushed in to steal the throne of Japan's underground leader. While these new underworld kings are perhaps stronger than AFO. The threat of stealing their quirks was far too realistic to fight him head-on. But now that he is gone they have taken hold, Controlling parts of Japan and being in a stalemate against other villains and their control.

But UA had not been Idle. While Some like Izuku had already reached a level, Most pro heroes wanted to reach. He still had room to grow. But the rest of the students had been growing themselves. Getting stronger and stronger themselves, Hoping to try and be as strong as they can be. But Nezu put the first move in motion. The first move of many, the first move that will slam the villains back out of Japan.'' Now, I believe it's time. The dots have been connected.'' Nezu said turning his chair back around to face the room.

Inside the room were multiple pro heroes. Kamui woods, death arms, Mt, Lady, and Sir Nighteye.'' Please inform the students that they should be ready.'' Nezu said with the four heroes nodding before walking out. They of course went toward the 2A dorm. Izuku sitting on the couch, Phone in hand as he was video chatting with Nemuri and Eri, who had taken Kota for a trip.'' PAPA, I JUST FELT HIM KICK.'' Eri excitedly screamed from under the phone as Nemuri laughed. She had been very close to giving birth. It was the main reason for this trip.

Nezu had informed Nemuri and Izuku about his plans, and exactly that, Nemuri right now was in Spain, Relaxing at a beach house and enjoying the view. Inko and Hisashi were there aswell, More than happy to spend some time with their grandchildren and future daughter-in-law.'' Nem sweety come to its lunchtime.'' Inko called from the back, Both Kota and Eri already went only to scream bye as they ran away.'' Well, it seems I have to go, You should get ready for bed aswell, While it's 12 here, it's 8 there right.'' Izuku nodded as he blew a kiss before hanging up

'' hello.'' Sir Nighteye said as he opened the door fully. walking in with the other pro'' Hello sir, To what do I owe the pleasure?'' Sirs, mam?'' Nami asked as both she and Robin looked up.'' We have something to tell.'' Kamui woods said wanting it a bit more private.'' WE GONNA KICK THOSE FISHMEN SO HARD THEY TURN INTO SUSHI CHILDREN.'' Yu screamed as she ran into the room and jumped on Izuku with a large smile.'' Hello Yu.'' Izuku said with a smile.'' Wait does that mean?'' Nami asked as she stood up shocked.

Sir Nodded.'' Yes, Tomorrow we will go and attack the fishmen. We will take them down, and land the first strike on Big Mom.'' Sir said having enough fate in the students of UA to keep it to themselves.'' Wait what?'' Robin asked not aware of that. She knew that the Big Mom syndicate had a grasp on that side of Japan. But that the big mom group was connected with the Fishmen Gang.''Yes, The Fishmen gang, has taken the protection of the Big Mom group. Take them down we send a message that it's about to start.'' GOD DAMMIT, WHY THE FUCK IS THE WEATHER LADY, MISS ARMS, AND PRINCESS BITCH GETTING ALL THE FUCKING FUN.'' Bakugo screamed with rage as he kept peeling potatoes.

'' I am sure your time will come, I have heard of your improvements.'' Death arms said cracking his knuckles'' Well I expect you three, Tomorrow in your hero outfit, outside of the UA gates,'' Of course sir, It will be our pleasure to join you tomorrow.'' Izuku said standing up and lifting Yu.'' Jup, I will make sure they will be on time.'' Yu said with the biggest smile, showing she really wanted to stay.'' We will be their sirs.'' Good, Now have a good rest.'' Kamui said as he and the three male pro heroes left leaving Yu alone.

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