going shoping

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Back at the dorms, Izuku had set up Eri's laptop to play. from that moment on Eri was in her own world. But Izuku was a good dad, So he already went to the kitchen to get her some snacks. But they were all healthy. A bowl of grapes and some apple slices seeing as those were Eri's favorite. He afterward just went to the couch where he went to browse on his phone.

Some of what he saw was rather enjoyable. His South Afrika had been changing a lot. Many leaders embraced the change. They loved the fact that they could hire smart people for once. There were also some that hated the fact. Mostly the thousands that were fired due to only being hired because they were strong.

Next was the dozen famous people fully standing behind the free energy plan. They donated a lot of money to the cause which Izuku doubled, But Izuku just like that everyone was positive about it. It was good to see that some people could get behind a good cause.

It the by the far the funniest Izuku had yet seen. Izuku was being called out of becoming the new head of the Illuminati. Izuku smiled seeing all the comments and ideas of how Izuku was the leader of the Illuminati but there were also those that believed Izuku wasn't the leader and was only a lowly member being used by the real leaders, The lizardmen that lived under the cities were the real leaders.

Apparently, Kaminari had read it aswell as when he entered the room.'' Hey Midoriya, send a message to the Lizardmen that I am more than happy to help them in their cause.'' Izuku decided to just mess with him a little and used Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus ( Dragon Dragon fruit Model: Allosaurus), and changed his eyes to flick sideways like lizardmen which slightly freaked the fuck out of Kaminari before Izuku started laughing

'' That wasn't funny dude, It freaked me out.'' Kaminari said as the others noticed what went on and laughed aswell.'' Wait is there such a thing as the Illuminati or not?'' Ochaco asked  with a confused smile as Izuku shrugged his shoulders.'' Izuku gives an answer.'' Mina said as she jumped on Izuku.'' Why would you want to know it? A secret organization that runs the world.'' Yeah, do you work with them?'' Mina said fully serious about it.'' No such organization works as far as I know. I am not a part of a secret organization.'' 

This was acceptable for the day. Nothing happened at all, But the next day they were back in the class waiting for Aizawa to enter who did right at the bell.'' Good, you're all seated. We will go over the battles of yesterday. Now the battles you have done yesterday will be the main point of today. We will be focussing on dealing with the fights. How you could have been smarter or what you did correctly. And see those that failed the exam.'' Aizawa said with the students nodding.

Aizawa grabbed a sheet of paper out from his scarf.'' Those that have failed are Sato, Kirishima, Mina, Nami, and Midoriya. Each of you lost your fight, But that is not the list of those who lost the exam, Nami and Midoriya both have passed the exam. Nami did her best, and if her teammates have worked together there would have been a chance. and for Midoriya the real test was for him to defeat half of the teachers. and he did that. But Hagakure will be a part of the losing group. Putting yourself in harm's way is unacceptable, and if I see that happen again, you will be expelled.''

Toru nodded understanding the fact. she could have died right there.'' Now one more thing, You all go camping. We will spend an entire week working on your quirks. this will be hard work and not a fun trip. But the week will be spent in the woods. So there is a list of items that you will need. I will be giving you each a sheet with the items on it, Please make sure you have them. other items are allowed to take with you just do not pack too much.''

Aizawa explained to them. with the class take the rest of the day to focus on the fight, And then the next day they were able to go shopping. They went as a class.'' Let's split up in groups, get stuff done quicker.'' Mina suggested as she grabbed Ochaco's and Izuku's arms. She smiled and ran away with her two lovers all while Izuku and Ochaco smiled softly.

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