Checking out all the dorms.

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A couple of things. Sorry about the number of None-Action chapters, But it has a reason. In Nakama, I felt that I kind of rushed relationships. So I want to take my time to build them up a little bit more. So them just being done with sports festival gives me a good little time for doing so. Second, I am starting my job Monday so chapters might take a hit because of that. I will try and make sure chapters get pushed out weekly but I might have to push them back to the weekend so I have more time to write. and last, How okay are you with a bit more smut stuff.

As 1A made their way back to the dorms Nemuri stopped Izuku, Ochaco, and Mina before they all could enter. Izuku had somewhat of an Idea why but He never knew what Nemuri thought.

As they reached an area right outside of ear range from the door Nemuri began. '' I assume you girls know why I separated you from the rest.'' Ochaco could only blush and look at the floor. Mina was blushing as well but she had a large grin on her face to go with it. Both girls did give a nod but again Ochaco gave a small nod while Mina couldn't nod fast enough.

The girls then looked toward Izuku, All 3 of them wanted an answer. '' I am keeping silent until I have an answer from both of you. I am not gonna say something that makes you believe I would force it upon yourself to see that is what happens. If you want this to happen or not happen it's up to you.'' Izuku told them simply with the blushes on the girls growing a little more.

It didn't matter how he felt. Their feelings mattered. If they didn't feel anything for Izuku then that was the end. He wasn't gonna tell them, Hey I like you and want to be in a relationship.

Both of them thought about it. '' I do want this If you do,'' Mina said shyly which Izuku found extremely cute. Then everyone looked at Ochaco who was not ready for 6 eyes staring at her.''  Uhm.'' She looked to see the emotions. Izuku looked calm not looking as if he wanted to rush her. Nemuri looked at her with a small smile one instead of the evil lustful smile that she often showed against villains but a mature smile filled with love and patience. Mina looked at her bestie with a smirk knowing what should be her answer.

Her thoughts started shooting around. One part screamed to follow her heart. Say yes and accept the love, But then a part of her brain started speaking. '' You are not worth it. Why would he want someone as poor as you? He couldn't be seen in public with someone along the lines as you.'' These thoughts became louder and louder and they could see them from the outside.

Nemuri being the teacher spoke up as she placed a hand on her shoulder. '' What is wrong Uraraka?'' Ocha it's not the money thing is it.'' Mina spoke to her friend who did nothing but give a small nod being ashamed of it.

'' Money thing?'' Izuku asked unsure of the whole thing. He knew about money problems. even tho Asia had very little poverty but it was still there. Ochaco didn't know how to say it so she looked at Mina who took the point and spoke as they first sat down.

'' Uhm yeah, Ochaco didn't really grow up with a lot of money. They had it hard. Their construction company doesn't get that many jobs.'' Is that it?'' Izuku asked with Nemuri smacking him on the head. '' This is a big deal for her so think about her feelings.'' That is not what I meant. I just mean that if that was the big problem I can just hire them. We have some projects that we wanted to get done so instead of hiring the bigger company we could hire them.'' 

'' I don't want any handouts. That isn't fair.'' Ochaco told all of them.'' But that isn't what would happen. I would hire them once That wouldn't solve anything. If your parents fail the job then we won't really hire them again. and second off why would money even matter in this. It's not like I am buying you or your gonna have to hold some sort of standard to be in a relationship.'' B-B-but what would others think,'' Ochaco tried saying to which Izuku responded simply. '' Fuck what others think. Uraraka This is your decision, It's what you want, Ignore everything else and just say what is in your heart.'' Nemuri said with Ochaco taking a deep breath.

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