Eri's World Wide Tea Party

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Eri got out of bed. Her little feet hit the warm floor as she held a smile on her face. She looked at the clock. She quickly ran out of the room. Into her parent's room right next door. Just as she opened the door. Kyoka jumped forward, having heard the young girl awaken, and decided to intercept.'' boo.'' Eri giggled happily as Kyoka lifted her up. Giving her a big kiss on the cheek.'' We should get you ready. Shower or breakfast first.'' UHM Breakfast, I WANT PANCAKES.'' Eri said excitedly as Izuku stepped out of the bathroom.'' Sure, want me to make them for you.'' Eri shook her head.

'' No papa's pancakes are not the best, I want Momma Fuyumi to make them, she is the bestest at it.'' Izuku started fake crying as he clutched his heart and dropped to his knees. Fuyumi smiled as she ran over to give Eri a good kiss on the forehead.'' Let's go then, The First one down gets more pancakes.'' Fuyumi started fake running. In reality, she was going slightly faster than walking, Eri jumped out of Kyoka's arm before sprinting downwards, Being forced to wait on the elevator. As she and Fuyumi stood in the elevator, Both fought for the door.

Both pushed each other slightly in their quest to be first, But Of course, Eri reached the kitchen first and earned herself an extra pancake. She inhaled her pancakes. as she did always.'' So Princess, What you wanna do today.'' Eri thought about it.'' Can we have a tea party?'' Izuku nodded. Momo is already excited to share tea with alot of people.'' Just us?'' Eri shook her head.'' no everyone.'' Eri meant this more as a version of everyone she liked. But Izuku never did normal things.

'' Oh hell yeah, Tho let's push it back to next week then unicorn. We will have a massive, grandiose tea party next week on Friday.'' Eri nodded. The group of girls already realized something had gone wrong as he grabbed his phone. He messaged a couple of times but each time it was the exact same.'' Friday tea party. eri request, the entire world invited. Please wait on details.'' Which was next? Izuku had to figure out the details.'' Okay Eri in this tea party, what are the rules.'' Uhm princess dresses, tea, and a good time yes. those rules.'' Eri said simply.

There was no need to make it any more complicated than that. Izuku agreed and messaged exactly that. The only requirement would be to come dressed in a princess dress. Drink some tea and have a good time. This was easy. The week flew by. Seeing everyone was invited. Everyone was showing up. It was a request of Eri. Which caused some problems. Princess dresses were not unlimited. And they were running out of stock fast by the time the party was announced, Eri had noticed the news. 

How could she not? It was everywhere. Eri had requested everyone to have a tea party with. Eri smiled happily as she had to prepare herself. Eri smiled as she looked into her closet. She of course had dozens of cute little princess dresses. She was deep in thought as she stood in front of her 5 favorite dresses. Each is perfectly covered in glitter. Yet the color was different. One was pink. The large frail at the bottom looked wonderful. The other colors were green, white, gold, and red. Each a color Eri really really liked.'' Mommies which one is the bestest color for the party.'' 

Eri had asked the help of the best experts she knew of. Mitsuki, Toru, and Nejire. Mitsuki made clothing And both Toru and Nejire were experts in the cutesy things. Each agreed on White. The almost silver-like dress.'' Oh, that is gonna look so cute. You just add that with a nice sparkle crown and hair done nicely. Oh yeah, that would look wonderful.'' Eri smiled as Mitsuki already saw the perfect look for Eri. She however wasn't the only one that was preparing themselves. Yet they would be shown during the party. As Friday afternoon approached the party was ready.

Eri and the girls. All dressed in an absolute picture perfect. Each one had a cute dress and a tiara. and covered in sparkles.'' So are you ready for fun Eri.'' Eri nodded at Nejire's question. The blue dress fit her tightly, Each girl had a dress that fit their hair color. As they made it into the large venue. Eri smiled as she noticed a bunch of people she remembered. The first she noticed was Inko and Hisashi, her grandpa and grandma. Both had dressed themselves in princess dresses.  Next to them. Rayleigh, Izumi, Kakashi, Shanks, and Beckmen, all of them looked like the prettiest princess.

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