Lets get this Going

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Izuku was rather annoyed. He was really being held back, But Gentle left him no choice here. Gentle was still stuck in his mindset of entering UA. He was already up in the air. He was going to UA, Izuku also took note of the weird blockade that stopped him in his track, That was weird, But seeing as Gentle moved his coat there, It started making a little sense in his mind. Just attack from the spots he hasn't seen you from.'' Gentle once more, Stop or get hurt badly.''

'' I am sorry prince Midoriya, But the kettle is one, And when it's on, YOU MUST MAKE THE TEA.'' Gentle said as he once again bounced up with LaBrava, But then, Like a lightning bolt, Izuku was just slightly above and behind him, His leg raised.'' Then sorry for this.'' Izuku said as he came into the position with the Goro Goro No Mi( Rumble Rumble fruit) He landed the kick right in the right trap. This rocketed him down, But at the position, Izuku kicked him down into the first springboard. It bounced him right back. Right into Izuku who went from a downward heel kick into a midriff kick. this time with more force right in the ground.

'' I did say it was gonna hurt,'' Izuku said as he caught LaBrava. She was more just a help than a bad guy, '' Dont run, You won't get far.'' Izuku told her as she got placed on the floor. Izuku walked over to the struggling Gentle.'' Now, you are hurt, Nobody knows we are here. Just walk away. Dont think your drive for followers and views is worth this. Just leave, Take her, and walk away. While you still can.'' Izuku said not wanting to follow thru with his threats.

''It's not for them. I must enter UA, I must follow my word,'' Gentle struggled to say as he slowly got off the floor.'' My whole life, I have been deemed a failure, Kicked out of hero schools, All because I made a single mistake.'' He struggled as he punched the ground, Pushing himself up. He understood it was futile, He know he wouldn't be able to defeat Izuku, But he could hope that he could get both himself and Labrava into UA, And take a single clip. That would make him keep his word.

'' LaBrava I believe it's time, we are Truthful about our feelings.'' Izuku felt this attempt would just be futile,'' Gentle, I, I....'' Izuku used the Nagi Nagi No mi( Clam Calm fruit) He stopped the sound from LaBrava.'' I won't allow you to pointlessly struggle, I don't want that to happen against you, I am sorry, But I guess if you keep fighting. I will Have to stop you with force.'' Izuku slammed his foot down on Gentle's back. Back to the floor.'' Stop before I have to hurt you more'' With the Guro Guro no Mi, Izuku fired a small low amount of Lightning down his spine, Knocking him out completely.

'' I don't want to see him at UA ever again. Dont try me Because Next time I won't allow him to walk away.'' Izuku said as he walked away, LaBrava crawled over to Gentle, Placing his head on her lap as she slowly cried over his state, He was covered in dirt and grass, He was done for. Defeated, But He was free. A greater Kindness LaBrava could not have seen coming.'' Th-thank you.'' She said in a soft voice as Izuku walked away.

Shortly after disappearing from their sight, Izuku started to Run. Sprinting down the forest right in the street. Running as fast as he could to get to the store. Nearly kicking the doors in as he entered.'' Please tell me you still have at least some tutu superhero dolls left.'' He said in a slightly winded and louder tone.'' The tone and that it was Izuku, Kind of made him fall back on his ass.'' what, the what?'' The tutu hero warrior, princess. Is that one still here?'' Uhm, Yes sir, We have not sold a single one today?'' Izuku dropped to the floor.

He had been rushing and acting like that like a complete idiot.'' Well, I will take the whole line. One of each please.'' Izuku said with a big smile. Only to jump as the door was opened once again, Only this time it was Kaina.'' Is the princess hero line still here?'' She said before noticing Izuku, Showing they clearly had the same idea.'' Kaina, really.'' Izuku said as he stood back up. She gave a smile as she hugged him.'' I heard her talk about it, Just wanted to be sure.'' So you want to buy aswell?'' The store manager asked with Izuku shaking his head, Once is fine, Oh But Kota, also needs to get something. Oh, what's the biggest Buildo Block set you to have.'' 

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